Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Why people Blog from AOL and ME

A survey was published on AOL (AO HELL) on WHY people blog.
Here we go with some short commentary from me:
We blog. We're not ace journalists breaking news exclusives and we're not trying to get famous. But we blog: We talk about what's going on in our lives, and we like it. And a new survey by America Online, Inc. shows that we are not alone.

The AOL Blog Trends Survey, conducted by Digital Marketing Services, Inc. (DMS) asked 600 bloggers from around the Web: "Why do you blog, and what do you blog about?"
Why We Blog

Why Do We Blog?
▪ Nearly 50% of bloggers do it because it serves as self-therapy. (Tee-true to some extent, and an outlet, a way to dump baggage, and to dissect social issues, extreme metal and the scene ect.)
▪ One-third of bloggers write frequently about self-help and self-esteem topics. (Tee-sometimes but rarely, although I  see that point)
▪ In times of need or high anxiety, 31% of bloggers say they either write in their blog or read the blogs of other people who are experiencing similar issues; that's six times as many people who seek help and counseling from a professional (5%), and second only to those seeking advice from family and friends: 32% vs. 31% who turn to blogs. (Tee-yes and no. Blogging shouldn't be a replacement for social activites, or therapy. Yes, in stressful tmes I dump my baggage, thoughts here, and in good times too. I don't read other peoples blogs anymore..I think people tend to censor themselves on blogs, but some are great. )

Why Don't We Blog?
▪ Only 16% of bloggers say they blog because they're interested in journalism.(Tee-Funny AOL says that. LOL. I was former Journalism major at SUNY New Paltz, NY. I wish AOL had spellcheck on these blogs, my spelling could be better, and I'm dislexic..Sometimes I go back, edit and check my facts and spelling and grammar. )
▪ As few as 12% say they blog in order to break or stay ahead of the latest news and gossip. (Tee-Not so much gossip, but extreme metal news, social/political issues, and the way I FEEL, and THINK about things,people and the world around me and myself..All that without judgment (LOL) from others, as opposed to posting on forums, and in chat rooms.)
▪ A fractional 8% blog in order to expose political information.  (Tee-sometimes, but I'm not the first or last to know)

Bloggers Write for Their Favorite Audience: Themselves
▪ Fifty-four percent like to share their thoughts and feelings with others, and 43% like to chronicle their life and interests.(Tee-Yes I write for myself, and I'm utterly shocked, annoyed and humbled that people would really read this blog. Sometimes times I SHARE my thoughts and feelings with others, only those whom I like and are like minded.)
▪ Bloggers don't blog because of peer pressure: Only 16% blog because it's the latest Internet trend, and 21% because their families or friends do. (Tee-My freinds were blogging, so I picked up the habit. I don't live vocariously through others, and now that I write in my OWN blog, I rarey read other blogs, unless of course there is a "bond" or "connection" or I KNOW that person...I don't blog because it's a "trend". I blog because writing was the only way I knew how to express myself, being a shy kid, as I alway enjoyed creative writing.)
▪ Most bloggers (66%) feel free to write on "anything and everything." (Tee-LOL. not everything, but alot of things. Although, ommiting names can important, and using descretion. I tend to write what's TRUE, FACT, and sometimes the way I feel about things,people and my experiences.)

 Sometimes it takes longer to write an entry when others may read it. (Tee-TRUE, but then again, I write for myself, although I do clarify.I write for myself first and if others enjoy it FINE.Other wise this journal is for self expression and not for performance.There are times when I've needed this journal to be private, I'm still considering that option,perhaps two blogs, one for music, and one private journal for my dizzy head, lol.)

More than three out of five bloggers (65%) admit to feeling disappointed when people post negative or abusive comments to their blogs.
(TEE-TRUE-Don't post abusive comments on others blogs..Now that I have a blog I deplore disporptionate judgment and online abuse... You don't like, don't read the blog. Get yer own blog if you want to debate, or clarify or tell your perspective.. Yes, depending on time , I spend hours blogging.)

44% say to get a new or fresh perspective on the news, and 36% say to interact with other participants through posting.  (Tee-Sometimes I post to GIVE MY perspective on extreme metal news, and to share but NOT to interact with others, interacting with others are for chat rooms and forums..)
A  small number (3.8%) describe themselves as blogging perfectionists, obsessive and compulsive.
(Tee-I'm not a blogging perfectionist, I don't want to be obssesive compulsive, but yes, I want to be a better writer, and also be creative )

izes real-time, randomized assignment of respondents to surveys based on a scientifically process.  A total of 600 Web users completed the survey.  The screen qualifications for this study were males and females aged 18 and above who write one or
I did such a bad job of cutting and pasting this survey. This blog can be funny, informative, dangerous, embarrasing to myself and others, compelling.. However, I have to post here, I really do. I have to express  myself, dump baggage and thoughts here because sending e-mail to freinds and family might be irrelevent  to them...           I don't need to be judged about the way I think and feel. I don't need the world to read this..Sometimes I read my archives and think, wow, that was great, writing about that, that was well written with quotes, band lyrics to express a thought, ect.
Sometimes I go back in the archives and I cringe, cry, or it brings back good and bad memories..Sometimes I'm on the floor dying laughing at the shit I write in humor.
Specifically my reviews of shows, CD's, and of course my fave entry on how to annoy telemarketers, and door to door jesus freaks. There is on one journal entry on hompophobia/Reggie White that I want to save, along with the tenth anniversary of Kurt Cobains death journal entry... There are some journal entries that were deleted, because they were personal or outdated ect.

Later Metal Heads-Stay Metal-Stay Brutal-Tee-\m/ -l-