Friday, September 28, 2012


IITP V.012 UPDATE: ITP V.012 has hit a milestone at TOTAL PAGEVIEWS  300,307 (ON BLOGSPOT not counting the previous 4 years on it's previous server as ITP was imported from AOL)..
Not bad for almost four years of blogging here on BLOGSPOT and 4 previous years of blogging on AOL.
ITP, blogging for over 8 years and counting.

Thank YOU, ITP loyal readers, all syndicates ect and you can imagine what I sacrificed.
BTW, ITP V.012 UNCOVERED tonight and ITP V.012 THE ART OF DANCE (CROWD SURGES) this weekend.
Hails, BBL with more extreme metal news.

Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-