"If there was a day I could live, if there was a single breath I could take, I would trade all the others away".-Lamb Of God-"Laid to Rest"
I will write a extreme metal news journal entry soon. With a heavy heart, I sadly have to announce that my family had to humanly euthenize my old cat Spakyle today as we put her out of her pain, Spakyle (the cat) was dying of feline cancer. I owned Spakyle from '98-'99 as my mom owned her from '99-2007 in NYC.
Sucks because I loved that cat to pieces as she was very brutal and \M/etal.. Spakyle and I used to play fetch all day as I would throw her a foam ball, and she would run down the stair case, find it, and bring it back upstairs and drop it in my hand. Sometimes Spakyle would drop the ball off by my bed,(basic cat hunting instinct) and nudge me with her paw. Best cat ever, including the mini cat riot when I left town for a day in '99, gave Spakyle food, cat litter, water and when I came back home a day later, the cat had tipped over her bowl, ripped up toilet paper and was meowing at the door. Funny cat, great fun and companion.
When I first got her (when she was less than a year old, the alpha cat from a feral litter) she hid in the closet untill I pulled her out, closed the closet door and let her explore. Spakyle was on top of the table, TV set, 'puter, untill I told her to to come down, and after a while she got acclimated with the other cats, and would play, eventually making close friends with my moms other cats.
There would be days that I would wake up and the cat would be cleaning her self laying right in between my legs, and other days Spakyle would jump on top of me, and meow untill I woke up.
Before I had Spakyle fixed, when she was in heat, other male cats from the neighborhood would be waiting by the doorstep to court their new mate.
Aw, I miss SPAKYLE, great cat, great companion. R.I.P. to SPAKYLE the amazing brootal \m/etal cat.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
R.I.P. to SPAKYLE (the brutal \m/etal Cat)
Monday, August 13, 2007

This journal entry is "fluff" journal entry to keep you occupied untill the next one with metal news ect. I'm not sure who made these "anti core" t-shirts (pic above), but I agree whole heartedly. Emo needs to die a horrid death as well. All of us extreme metal heads hate those genres, the American market is over saturated with that crap.Yes, us metal heads complain about that crappy music and culture, middle class kids that pretend to be homeless (crusties) and emo kids that are "sad" (take your meds) there fore complain about their middle class lives (or these people just don't have a life). We also complain about emo kids that wear glasses (and womens jeans) that don't really need to. If you're reading this journal and like emo, hardcore and metal core, then you're reading the WRONG journal.
Hence this controversy when MACHINEHEAD won the KERRANG awards over some trendy emo (here today, gone later on today, crap emo) bands. The ultimate whining from emo fans can start with looking in the mirror at their own self destructive behavior.
"Everytime an emo kid cries, a VIKING comes from the heavens and dismembers him"-anti emo joke on the net..
Buy a t-shirt, as mainstream, mall core culture self destructs.
US. grind band CATTLE DECAPITATION have t-shirts for sale "Gore not Core".
World famous death metal artist TONY KOEHL (he has done CD covers for many great death metal bands) has some new t-shirts "Keepin' it Brutal".
So here's to the death of core (hardcore, metal core), emo music and culture.
BTW, this years OZZFEST was free for fans as the bands played for free as well. FROM LORDI (Gwar like band from Finland): "We are not getting paid," Mr. Lordi said. "But there's no income. How can you pay the bands if there aren't any ticket sales? It's pretty simple. This is really a promotion for us.
UPDATE: 8/27/07:Imagine the ground score from the kids that "picked up change" at OZZFEST in NJ this month, not much according to the news media. This month in August, police arrested OZZFEST concertgoers in New Jersey for throwing spinkicks and windmills in the pit. If these kids would give each other some space in the pit, there would not be a problem. I'm not sure if these arrests were due to the cops OR the fans ignorance of mosh pit culture, or the old push pit vs. karate pit issue. Two people died of drug and alcohol overdoses at the NJ stop of OZZFEST.Also,on the WARPED TOUR, (punk rock/hardcore festival) a small riot in Washington broke out as festival goers took issue to concert conditions as porto pottys were set a blaze. In the ensuing melee, many concert goers were arrested. I guess middle class hardcore kids couldn't take the smell of their own SHIT. BTW, the lineup for the WARPED TOUR looks awful, and perhaps people took issue from what is NOT COMICAL.
FROM ROLLING STONE: http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/15903240/punk_rock_fight_club_a_video_slide_show
Also a few more news articles about the controversy VS. pit crews/gangs in the U.S. hardcore scene: http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/Content?oid=30929, http://www.thebottomlineonline.org/home/index.cfm?,event=displayArticle&ustory_id=379bf022-3185-4245-89bc-e20c0ccf9559 ,
Ninja "Hardcore" Dancing
The Moves
Okay, here are a breakdown of the more underground dances. You can practice them at home in your room, show your sister, or show your mother what a smart individual you have become. Make sure you have a lot of clearence, you dont want to kick your little brother in the head. How would you explain that to your parents? "Mom i gave little Billy a spin-kick to the teeth!" Here it goes:
Punching Air
So next time you're at a show and the best breakdown ever is coming up, make sure to show the band how much it means to you by punching the fuck out of the air. FUCK THAT AIR UP. People may ask you "What did the air do to you?", you just smile and continue beating the fuck out of the air. You're not stupid, you just hate air.
The Spin Kick
Alright, the band played their two first songs and they are taking a break. Now its your chance...walk right up to the pit (dont run because that would be gay) and throw a round house kick. Just kick that air. Make sure no one is in the way, because you dont to 'hurt' anyone.
Throwing Down Beatings For Fun
Are you one of those typical fat slobs that hit these hardcore shows because you're friends with someone that is good pals with the uncle of the bass player for terror? "HEY I KNOW THAT GUY!"...you know shit. "I'm going to hurt as many kids as I can in the pit!" You're a big man. Im scared. Shit Dick.
The Lion March
Before you start kicking the imperceptible ninja's asses, you need to pace around like you need to deplete your lizard. What you need to accomplish this move is 10 glasses of water and a 'The Bled' CD. Knock back that water as fast as you can. Once you are done, wait until you have to piss. When it starts to sting, start pacing around. Do this until you’re about to soil yourself. Once you start to piss, start throwing your arms around like a dipfuck. Do this for the whole CD. By the time the CD is done, the 'accident' you had earlier should be dried up. You can go see From Autumn to Ashes tonight without having to change pants!! But make sure to repeat the process.
Iron Fists
Holy shit, this guy looks like he could really fuck me up. Look at the power! FUCK! I would never want to get hit by one of those. Anyways, this assclown put the 'X's on his hands because he is 'straight edge'...Because thats what hardcore kids do these days. "I'm 100% straight edge VEGAN". GOOD FOR YOU, I DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK. It's bad enough you're telling me, now you have to go and write all over yourself
The Two Step
This one is a classic. "Listen to the new Norma Jean album, its PURE two stepping!" What the fuck does this mean? How does this explain what the music sounds like? Next time im at the record store and some idiot tries to use one of these terms to describe a band's sound, I will beat the living shit out of em.
Slob Core
Are you sick of the same old exercises? Tired of spending all your cash on useless weight loss supplements? Well, I have a solution for you! If you weigh over 400lbs and are interested in weight loss, look no further. What you need is an Atreyu ticket and lots of floor space. Oh, don’t wear a gray shirt. You don’t want to look like a slob.
Picking up Pennies
Broke? Why get a real job? Its time to bend down and pick up all those imaginary pennies off the floor. Once you have collected an appropriate amount, you can go home and show mommy and daddy what a good boy you have been. “Mom, Dad, come quick. I’m a fucking idiot!”
The Karate Chop
"Mom, mom, I want to learn karate!" Why? So you can go to the next As I Lay Dying show and chop air? How about if I give you a fucking karate chop to the balls? This kid looks like the typical 'scenester' you would find at these shows dancing like a fool. I dont get it...In my day the SCENE was your local scene. LOCAL BANDS. now the SCENE is fucking hardcore? How does that work? Its like INDIE bands not being INDIE by winning 2 grammys?
Impressing The Girls
"Hey, want to go on a date?"...This guy is showing off his moves to the best looking girl at these cock infested shows. Just look at his face! He is getting laid tonight forsure. Pinky out! Charming.
The Wind Mill
Is your air conditioner busted? If so, what you need is an Underoath CD. Put on this CD and start throwing your arms around like a fucking idiot. Do this until your space is nice and chilly. It might take a while, so make sure you set the CD on repeat. But pace yourself, you don’t want all the blood in your body to dash all the way down to your fists of fury.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/
Friday, August 10, 2007
Saratoga Winners (Latham, NY) re opening
From Saratoga Winners MYSPACE:
Saratoga Winners a live music venue for over 40+ years needs your help. As much as we hate to do what we are about to do we have no choice. We need all music lovers, bands, everybody to help us re-build this historic music venue. Do to circumstance beyond our control such as new building codes and the condition this venue is in our construction costs are now 4 times what we excepted. We bought this property/venue once we heard that builders were looking at it to tear down and put up condos, We could not let a piece of music history be torn down. So now before we have to sell out to those builders we are asking for your donations to hope us re-build. Any amount you can give will be greatly appreciated. Please pass this on to everybody on your friends list and ask for them to help us as well. Lets work together to bring back Upstate N Y's premier music venue. You can donate 2 ways
1. Mail Checks to:
Saratoga Winners
PO Box 219
Greenfield Center, NY 12833
2. Through our pay pal account at saratogawinners.com
All who donate will have their names placed on the new walls at winners as a thank you for helping.
Thank You for your support!!!
"The Crew At Saratoga Winners"
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal- \m/ -l-
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
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Lamour ("The Rock Capital of Brooklyn") re opens in Staten Island, NY
Yes, it's official, as mentioned in a previous journal entry (Notes from the New York Extreme Metal Underground) Lamour ("The Rock Capital of Brooklyn") is re opening this time in Staten Island, New York. It's just how to get to the new Lamour's: Ferry, subway? The new Lamour's is way out in Staten Island.
Yes, there were other venues in Staten Island and Queens too. Namely, Castle Heights,(closed in 2002) which was built like a European Castle (Queens, NY). Also, Coney Island High which has been closed for quite some time.
If you read the newspaper article in the "Metro" about Lamour's closing back in the 90's, it can be somewhat misleading. The story is, a stage diver was PUSHED off the stage by a bouncer, sustaining lethal injuries resulting in death. Lamour's closed again in early 2004 as local bands opened for national and international acts on a second stage in a separate room.
However, LAMOUR's is legendary for being the premier live music venue for hard rock, metal and extreme metal bands on the East coast of the USA. Legendary bands such as METALLICA, SLAYER, TESTAMENT, TWISTED SISTER, DIMMU BORGIR, CHILDREN OF BODOM, CANNIBAL CORPSE, DYING FETUS, TYPE O NEGATIVE, ANTHRAX, BIOHAZARD, LIFE OF AGONY,OVERKILL, IMMORTAL, CARNIVORE, either got their start, or played their first ever NYC appearance at Lamour's.
When I booked and helped out local bands in the PAST, Lamour's has been very accommodating and supportive of local bands.
I'm sure everyone in the NYDM (New York Death Metal) association/scene will be supporting the re-opening of Lamour's and so am I. What's the alternative? Your (or MY) local bar scene riddled with drugs, violence, awful DJ's and horrid "bands", crack heads, smelly alcoholics, wannabees riddled with Hepititus.. Lamour's Rocks and OWNS.
The good news from The Metro and Blabbermouth.net:
by amy zimmer / metro new york
STATEN ISLAND. For heavy metal fans, Mecca wasn’t at CBGB. It was out in Bay Ridge at a place called L’Amour.
The club ruled the scene in the mid-80s before closing down in 1995 after a teenager was killed diving into a mosh pit. This summer, after years of fits and starts, it has reopened on Arthur Kill Road in Rossville.
“L’Amour is probablythe most famous heavy metal club in the world,” said DJ Alex Kayne, who worked at the Brooklyn club from 1980 to 1995, and spins at the new space.
“Busloads of kids were going to Brooklyn,” Kayne said, from places like Boston and Maryland to see White Lion, Metallica and Motorhead. “On the West Coast, you had the Roxy and Whisky a Go Go. On the East Coast, it was L’Amour.”
Kayne writing a bookabout the club with heavy metal historian Ian Christe and using images from legendary rock photographer Frank White. He hopes to release it on Nov. 1, 2008 — 30 years after the club opened.
“It started as a dyed in the wool, John Travolta, ‘Saturday Night Fever’ discotheque,” Kayne said. “They started doing rock on Thursday nights as a goof, but by the end of the year, the rock kids scared the dancers off the floor.”
Tom Cassidy, 37, started going to the club when he was 16 and has a L’Amour tribute page on MySpace.
“I met my wife there, though that’s something we still fight about,” he said. “I said we met in 1989 at the Faith No More show, but she said, ‘No way.’ She would have been drooling too hard over the lead singer.”
L’Amour “was the place to be,” Cassidy said. “They had national acts, whatever rock ’n’ roll you wanted. Iron Maiden. Kiss. Twisted Sister played there on a weekly basis until they got big in 1984. Anthrax. Biohazard. You’d put on your tight jeans, do your hair, because you knew there would be 500 single girls that were easy.”
Cassidy and his wife recently went to the new L’Amour to see Mike Tramp, and are already looking for a baby sitter to watch their 5-year-old so they can see L.A. Guns this month.
The tight jeans, however, “were many cheeseburgers ago.”
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal- \m/ -l-
Friday, August 3, 2007
Wacken Open Air Live Streaming
This years Wacken Open Air fest features 1349, Immortal, Possessed, Type O Negative, Vital Remains,Cannibal Corpse, Iced Earth, Falconer, Amorphis and over 70 bands in three days.
IRON MAIDEN have been confirmed for 2008's WACKEN OPEN AIR.
Also, if you are out on west here in the USA, check out the GATHERING OF THE SICK Festival in Albuquerque, New Mexico (August 3rd, and 4th) @ The Compound. The GATHERING OF THE SICK FEST 2007 lineup features SKINLESS, ABYSMAL DAWN, UNMERCIFUL, PUTRID PILE, GRAVE DESECRATION and many more death and grind national acts.
Imagine going to a metal festival in Europe and seeing a legendary black metal band with a stage set up such as this pic below. That is a live concert pic of DISSECTION featuring the late Jon Nodtveidt. I'm not sure which fest that pic of DISSECTION was taken from, however, theatre majors take note. Whomever is responsible for the stage production in that pic of DISSECTION below should get an award and a infernal HAILS. -l- WOW, awesome. When Europeans do fests, they do it RIGHT.
more WAO live streaming (SATURDAY): .SPELLBOUND Showcase
13:45-13:55 Cliprotation
13:55-14:40 MOONSPELL
14:40-14:45 Cliprotation
14:45-15:00 STRATOVARIOUS Part I
15:00-15:30 Veranstalter Press Conference Live
15:30-16:00 MAMBO KURT Live / Cliprotation
16:00-17:00 DIR EN GREY
17:00-17:30 Showcase PHARAO / Cliprotation
17:30-18:00 Surprise Press Conference
18:00-18:45 STRATOVARIOUS Part II
18:45-20:00 DESTRUCTION + Guests
20:00-20:15 Press Conference SODOM
20:15-20:45 TYPE O NEGATIVE (2 songs)
20:45-21:45 NORTHER (taped)
21:45-23:00 STORMWARRIOR feat. Kai Hansen
23:00-23:15 Cliprotation
23:15-23:45 IN FLAMES (2 songs)
23:45-00:45 Interview / Cliprotation
01:45-02:00 Cliprotation
02:00-02:20 SUBWAY TO SALLY (2 Songs)
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal- \m/ -l-