Wednesday, August 15, 2012


PETER DOLVING, former vocalist of Swedish thrashers THE HAUNTED has explained the fan backlash regarding his decision to leave the band.

 So regarding my statement on The Haunted; I am not looking for drama. Fuck that. I am not carrying a grudge. I'm simply putting the reality of their actions on the table.

If I would have continued shutting my mouth about I would just have continued participating in the dysfunctionality. I have chosen not to. I have music, creativity, love and shitloads of really cool fans who are not interested in belittling introverts and trolls on Blabbermouth. 

If you like ATG, The Haunted and even the twins, that's perfectly alright. It good to have something to like. 

No one is taking anything from their artistry, they are skilled and talented. You don't have to take sides. Seriously. I just don't want it to be some deep dark secret. That type of shit wears life out. 

My rage and actual bitterness is perfectly justified. The took food from my table, anyone who's ever been laid off or screwed will identify.

Now, on the other hand, if my art, my words, my thoughts provoke you, that just reveals your intolerance. Which is fucking sad because because it 2012, and carrying around moral codes and a view on reality as if it 1912, is just well really really fucking sad. Really.

The world my friends, is changing. We can push forward or fight it it, but it's not going to stop it. Things change. Normality is not being a conservative dick, held back by fear and intolerance. Normality is the air between you and me, all those other things are you inside you, in battle with reality. 

Just saying.

Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-