"Look Bruce
Springsteen's playing THREE nights at Giants Stadiu
friend of mine.. You know
Springsteen must have the
fountain of youth, he doesn't look at day over 40 (at 58) and since the 80's he's in great
physical condition.. Totally outside of the meta
l genre, and for classic rock this is as good as it gets... I just thought I would put in a good word for the "BOSS" Bruce
Springsteen, although he doesn't need my help, because look Bruce is playing THR
EE nights at Giants Stadiu
m in NJ, the home of the Super Bow
l Champion NY/NJ
GIANTS I may add... ( Thank you and Happy retirement Michae
l Strahan).. It's been over 20 years since I've last seen
Springsteen and back then tickets were only $17.50. Bruce
Springsteen does the hometown circuit quite a bit, and it's funny, I could never see myself (when I was booking bands) playing or booking in my hometown like that. If you count NYC as my hometown, well of course, but the Hudson Valley
arrgh, hate it..I remember hearing that Clarence "the big man" Clemens (Springsteen's saxaphonist) used to wear a t-shirt back in the 80's stating "I have NO tickets".
I would think the idea would be to "get away" fro
m your hometown and to be "Born to Run" instead of the multiple night, punching in a
timeclock touring,
which is everything rock and ro
ll is supposed help you avoid.. Bruce
Springsteen has been know to play oh, like 15 nights at the old
Meadolands (New Jersey), 5 and 10 night stands at Giants Stadiu
m (NJ), a
ll shows, sold the
fuck out, and people going
apeshit over tickets, unprecedented in rock and roll history... For
Springsteen fans, it's a different vibe when he plays in New
Jeresy. When Bruce plays "Jersey Girl", any time he mentions "Jersey" or "Shore", people go nuts because it IS Bruce's
home state too,
and neither he, nor his fans have forgotten where he came from, and he still draws very well in the NY/NJ metro area.
I would loved to have seen
Springsteen play solo, but I had my head up my ass those years.
To my parents worry back in the 80's, I've been known to wait on line for tickets in below freezing temperatures, or ring
Ticketmasters phones off the hook for
Springsteen tickets. I would have
to say it was we
ll worth it for a 4 hour, maratho
n dance show, fu
ll of passio
nate rock
and roll and h
illarious storytelling..
I wa
s at
a l
ocal store the other day, and a local radio station was playing Bruce
Springsteen's "
Rosalita" as I was waiting in line busting out laughing hearing the lyrics to that song.. 20 years later, with a little
experience, and knowledge in the music scene/industry,
Springsteen's lyrics to "
Rosalita" are ironically
"Tell him this is his last chance to get his daughter in a fine romance
Because a record company Rosie just gave me a big advance".
:Looks at fellow New Jersey band GOD FORBID'S commentary on the music industry/touring below:
Who in the FUCK is getting a big advance other than what's recoupable via the label through an artists "royalties". Not to mention how the music industry has changed in the 20 years since I've last seen Bruce Springsteen live. When a new CD dropped in '85, people would wait in line at the record store on it's first day release. Now, perhaps a month BEFORE a CD drops, on leaks, people download a CD before it's release.
20 years later, so much has changed and I'm still uplifted by "Darkness on the Edge of Town". It's nice to know that 20 years later, Springsteen is doing very well, record company advances and all, specifically on the touring circuit.
BTW, if you do catch Bruce Springsteen and the E Street band LIVE for the first time, realize that the sound of BRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCE is NOT the sound of booing, but the sound of fans chanting his name: "BRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCE".
Keep in mind, that some of these shows are stadium gigs, and I hope Bruce sells the fuck out of GIANTS STADIUM (all three nights) and rocks yer socks off.
So get your tickets to see Bruce Springsteen now, you're in for one hell of a live show, and hopefully he'll play for 4 hours, running up and down a long stage as you'll be in for a treat. The last time I saw Springsteen at Giants Stadium I was 15 yearsold (1985). Great show. RIP Phantom.
the fo
llowing Su
mmer U.S. tour dates:
July 27 - East Rutherford, NJ @ Giants Stadiu
mJuly 28 - East Rutherford, NJ @ Giants Stadiu
mJuly 31 - East Rutherford, NJ @ Giants Stadiu
mAugust 2 - Foxboro, MA @ Gi
llette Stadiu
mAugust 15 - Jacksonvi
lle, FL @ Veterans Memori
al Coliseu
mAugust 16 - Charleston, SC @ Charleston Coliseu
mAugust 18 -
Richmond, V
A @ Richmond
mAugust 19 - Hershey, PA @
Hersheypark Stadiu
mAugust 21 - Nashvi
lle, TN @
Sommet Center
August 23 - St. Louis, MO @
Scottrade Center
August 24 - Kansas City, MO @ Sprint Center
August 30 - Milwaukee, WI @ Harley Davidson
105th Anniversary Festiva
Thanks-"Some day we'
ll look back on this, and it
will all see
m funny"-Stay Me
l, Stay Bru
l- \