This unconfirmed news may be the sign of the times as this is an upgrade in technology. As a former journalism major back in the 90's, little did we know that print media may be obsolete in less than 20 years with electronic and internet technology replacing print media. This is becoming very apparent now in this new century. Think of how happy the tree hugging hippies are, we're recycling and saving trees via paper, lol. Keep in mind, that print media will be almost obsolete with the popularity of electronic and internet media, and I do think that METAL MANIACS will expand their web zine format, so don't worry, METAL MANIACS will stay metal and brutal.
However, I've very much enjoyed METAL MANIACS over the years with their awesome staff of writers. Where else can a metal writer get away with spelling lead growler as vokalist. The 90's were METAL MANIACS peak years, breaking the 90's second wave of black metal, Gothenburgh (Sweden), Florida, New York and Scandinavian extreme metal scenes. Glen Benton's (DEICIDE) infamous interviews with METAL MANIACS and umm, lots of drama there, lmao. The pen pal, and letters section, there is something, still to be said for reading a magazine in print, and that is not to be taken for granted.
What would the extreme metal scene do without METAL MANIACS? I wanted an internship too, damn.
The UK's TERRORIZER and Canada's UNRESTRAINED break KULT bands into global metal consciousness, so do read those zines as well.
FROM BLABBERMOUTH.NET: Several writers for Metal Maniacs magazine have reported receiving word yesterday (Tuesday, February 3) that both Metal Maniacs and its sister publication Metal Edge have shut their doors effective immediately, with one more issue of each title still set to come out. It should be noted, however, that the two magazines' publisher, Zenbu Media, has not yet officially corroborated this information.
Metal Edge and Metal Maniacs, two of the leading heavy metal magazines in the U.S., have been publishing for 24 years and 19 years, respectively. The two publications were acquired by Zenbu Media in February 2007.
Covering bands across the hard rock spectrum — from classic metal to thrash to punk — Metal Edge is considered a leading voice in the mainstream metal media. In existence since 1985, Metal Edge was published twelve times a year — providing in-depth coverage of current musical acts, including band profiles, news of the latest releases and coverage of the biggest tours.
Metal Maniacs has given exposure to the best underground metal bands. Scouring the globe for the greatest unheard-of artists, Metal Maniacs has, for nearly 20 years, provided one of the few outlets for these acts and a way for fans to unearth the greatest unheralded hard rock outfits.
Based in New York City, Zenbu Media is a music-oriented multi-pronged media company that specializes in print, digital, events and recordings.