Interesting topic debated on FACEBOOK group: Mandatory Drug Testing For Welfare is on Facebook:
Mandatory drug testing for people on welfare is a controversial issue being debated by both state and federal legislators.
ITP EDITORS NOTE: ITP author does NOT assume that all drug addicts are on welfare, nor do we assume that all welfare recipients are drug addicts as we think of that assumption as ignorance of those whom are poor. However, we are also disgusted with those whom take government subsidies (welfare, Federal Stanford Loans, Federal Standford Unsubsidized, HUD/section 8 subsidies, RUPCO and whatever government help) if they are using, abusing and dealing drugs and making it an unlivable environment for others whom don't use and are and well meaning. When one takes a government subsidy, it's a different ball game, to support their drug habits at the expense of hard working tax payers, it makes us all very angry.
ITP supports mandatory drug testing of all civil service workers, bus, train, taxi, and public transportation drivers, airline pilots, air traffic controllers, police, EMS/EMT and public housing staff.
Where I'm living and moving from, drug addicts and drug addicted staff (Meadobrook Circle, New Paltz, NY ) have harassed those of us whom DON'T use in their drug induced psychotic, denial and paranoia, as many members of their staff were caught in a drug raid last November of 2009 as one of their former staff members died of a drug/alcohol related OD last month. After this issue of drug abuse regarding section 8 housing staff and some tenets became public knowledge, and after much thought, ITP does support mandatory drug testing of public assistance clients and staff, regarding ALL forms of government subsidies including section 8 tennets/ HUD housing and all staff.
I know mandatory drug testing sounds bureaucratic, and somewhat silly for those whom don't use drugs, the indignation. However, living at Meadobrook Circle with it's drug infested staff and a minority of gangsta drug addicted bullies I changed my mind.
I would like to see mandatory drug testing regarding others forms of public assistance subsidies including HUD/SECTION 8 HOUSING subsidies and their staff as drug addiction should not adversely effect those whom are sober and have the misfortune of living near them.
If mandatory drug testing regarding government loans and subsidies is not federal law by now, when will it be.
We also beg that those whom turn out dirty through mandatory drug testing regarding (hopefully) and all all forms of government subsidies will lose any sort of public assistance funding and until they submit to rehab, and prove clean.
I ironically enough, DSS PAYS for drug detoxes and rehabs regarding low income people.
ITP author is not on welfare and is drug and alcohol free but do not take my coffee, iced tea, or fruit punch away from me or else they will be a riot.
This was written by a construction worker in Fort McMurray...he sure
makes a lot of sense to me!
Read on...
I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my
taxes as it sees fit.
In order to earn that pay cheque, I work on a rig site for a Fort Mac
construction project, I am required to pass a random urine test, with
which I have no problem.
What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my
taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.
Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare cheque because I
have to pass one to earn it for them ... ?
Please understand - I have no problem with helping people get back on
their feet.
I do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone sit on their
arse drinking beer and smoking dope.
Could you imagine how much money the provinces would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance cheque ... ?
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-