Prague, Czech Republic epic black metal warriors CULT OF FIRE have CANCELLED the bands anticipated WINTER 2022 EUROPEAN TOUR DATES.
CULT OF FIRE unleashed "NIRVANA", 2/20/2020 via BEYOND EYES.
would like to apologize to all our fans, however, our European tour
with Tormentor had to be canceled. The reasons for the tour's
cancelation are the ongoing and tightening COVID regulations. Since the
COVID situation is getting worse again, we are unable to guarantee that
we would be able to enter and perform in all the countries that we were
supposed to visit. We are currently planning some individual shows in
Europe next year, so we will be able to meet you that way, even though
we won't manage to come to all the countries as we planned. Thank you
very much for your understanding and continuous support.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-