TSHOMARELO MOSAKA, frontman for Ghanzi, Botswana, death metal warriors OVERTHRUST is visting Florida, U.S.A. .
OVERTHRUST are part of a CNN documentary about alternative music in AFRICA.
OVERTHRUST, via BANDCAMP, are streaming the bands anticipated new release "INFECTED
BY MYTH", unleashed 6/30/2024 via INDIAN RIVER MUSIC COMPANY.
Our frontman who is bassist and lead vocalist - Tshomarelo Mosaka aka Vulture Thrust landed safely in Florida, USA yesterday, On a musical tour, tourism and adventure. The whole trip is sponsored by our record label - Indian River Music Company CEO Mr. Jason Banning. Vulture will be in Florida where he will engage in musical activities, tour tourist attraction sites and visit Universal Orlando Resort. He will also have a chance to watch his favorite American football team - UCF Football.
The rest of the band members are still working on their USA visas amd
the next available dates for the VISA interviews is early next year, so
we cross our fingers that they too get visas and the rest of the band
will start playing shows in USA. USA Visa is a long process. We take
this moment to thank and appreciate our record label for the ever -
lasting support.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-