The secondary staircase regarding the secondary building could be a fire exit, just in case as states the exit sign, I just like to avoid certain personalities I don't want to tun into.
This moron, AL, tried to tell me not to go out of the secondary building, Why, I'm a tenet, and he's not the landlord. A few days earlier, I nearly tripped UP the stairs, as I found a light switch to light my way as the staircase was obstructed by a complete mess of his (I assume) power tools and stuff . Then this dude AL tells me he doesn't want the lights on in the stair case.
I say F***CK OFF. By way of NY STATE legal building code law, all staircases have to be lit (at night), fire exits have to marked and lit, and staircases can NOT be obstructed by a person, someones ego, or their personal belongings.
Also, if anyone, including AL was offended by me stating any power struggles over ITP V.015 (I own my own copyright, I'm under fair use promoting music, they own NO copy right) will be DMCA'ed. I hope his ego is bruised it's my pleasure, what's mine is MINE.
AL and others WILL get a cease and desist, as the ITP is written and owned by one person, ME, as a copy right fraud charge is in order for him.
I can not divulge details, someone has complaints coming from me on line.
I WILL get a certain bureaucracy in here this week to clarify tenants rights and building code law.
Also, I don't like homophobic comments, nor commentary about ITP, (these neighbors are mentally ill, drug addicted wingnuts) as I get stressed and panic when people verbalize threats on my rights, and my intellectual property.
Neither is NOT their property nor right. AL can not lock or block people in or out of the units nor exits as that is also an issue of fire safety.
AL: "I can do whatever I want"-No you can't...This mental case AL doesn't realize, life isn't about how he feels, there are certain rights that people have, simple statements of fact regarding common law, not his power tripping ego or the way he feels in his psychosis. These are not personal preference issues, and certainly I have my personal presences and freedom of choice.
Also, respect peoples privacy on and off line.
After the ROMANIAN nightclub fire last week (Club Colectiv), everyone should know better and be vigilant.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-