Sunday, October 20, 2019

ITP V.019 SOCIAL JUSTICE: PETITION UK PARLIAMENT: Ensure any Brexit deal protects the Touring Industry for Musicians and Crew.

A petition for the UK PARLIAMENT is being circulated to ensure any Brexit deal protects the Touring Industry for Musicians and Crew.

Only British and UK citizens are eligible to sign the petition.


Only British citizens or UK residents have the right to sign
Requirements for multiple work visas, driving permits, customs checks on equipment and merch etc. may make touring Europe financially unviable for smaller artists. It may also affect European artists decision to include the UK on their tours.

This article contains a summary of how the Touring Industry stands to be affected by Brexit.
We'd like to see any Brexit Deal contain mutual, temporary exceptions on work permits, driving permits and customs allowances, covering the duration of tours in order to guarantee the survival of the touring industry, protecting both jobs and the UK's reputation for exporting talent.
Sign this petition

Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-