Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Remembering Kurt Cobain (part 4)

Someone miscontrued the Nirvana song "Polly" and actually went out and raped a female, using the song as the soundtrack to thier act of violence. This act of violence and obvious misinterpretation of the song and hatred against women infurerated Nirvana enough to call the rapists the "scumbags" that they were on the liner notes of Nirvana's second major label release In Utero.

I applaud Nirvana for writing "Polly"..

In the dream I had about Kurt Cobian I told the EMT workers "Not to treat him like that" and not to show his body because "I didn't need to see that"..I must have tossed and turned for hours but didn't wake up untill 1PM this afternoon. I woke up and thought about Kurt Cobain, and this being the 10 year anniversary of his death I cried a little bit..

I didn't cry back in '94 when he (Cobain) died, I was still in shock. There was also so much great death and extreme metal back in the early 90's, that Nirvana seemed, well, POP/HARD ROCK back then.

There is no shame is saying that Kurt Cobain was one of the better songwriters of his time, and he had so much more to offer.

Kurt Cobain was the right songwriter, for the right time, with substance, and vision, good vocals, a distorted guitar, with no gimmics, no hairspray, in a simplistic tone, and no male chauvanistic ego.

Refreshing indeed..What more could you ask for? As thier were rumors (before Cobains death) that Kurt was going to do some acoustic folk material, and that Nirvana were going to disband anyway, (Nirvana turned down Lalapalooza) and his marriage was in trouble, and some kind of failed od/suicide in Europe..Arrgh!

When I went on the air in '94, less than a week after Cobains suicide ( I wasn't the first to announce Cobains death on WFNP) I played "Polly" and explained the meaning or my interpretation of the song. I didn't cry, and I did my job DJ'ing in a business like, almost in a journalists fashion. (Journalism was my major at the time)..

TEN years later, it hit me in a dream how tragic Cobains death was..I can still remember watching MTV the day of his death, and the kids at Kurts memorial in a  Seattle  park jumping in the water, Courtney Love reading Kurts suicide note, and everything seeming so surreal. 

And the first time we played Nirvana on WFNP waay before Geffen signed them..We (WFNP) got a pre release copy of Nevermind and we were in the music library listening to the new Nirvana CD. When Cobain screamed in "Smells like Teen Spirit" "Our little group has always been, and always will untill the end"..Even us DEATH METALHEADS, and the graduating seniors looked around the room at each other and nodded our heads, because this was OUR group, our freindship, our click, and the music scene was changing for the better. Even death metal was on the rise and everybody in the room KNEW IT!

Today, one day before my 34th birthday, just like it does everyday in Seattle, it's raining here in New York...I'm sure if Kurt Cobian were still alive he would concur with the late Layne Staley of perhaps the more underrrated Seattle band Alice In Chains. "It's gonna rain when I die!"-AIC.

Point of reference: Check out: Tori Amos's GREAT cover of Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit"

RIP-Kurt Cobian-TEE -l- \m/