Bad news in the Cephalic Carnage camp, the band were repairing thier touring van on the road in Tusla, Oklahoma (in a car repair shop), and some douche ran off with some of CEPHALIC CARNAGE'S valuables and $4,000 in cash from merch sales ect. Of course when thieves act out upon negative impulse, this could stop a tour in it's tracks, and bands have been known to break up, as it's impossible to finance a tour under the circumstances. BTW, Cephalic Carnage are good guys, so buy some merch from them on the road, and help a brotha out.
FROM CEPHALIC CARNAGE's MYSPACE: While CEPHALIC CARNAGE were getting their van repaired in Tulsa, OK on Tuesday, 11-20-07 we were robbed. A backpack containing the recent earnings from the tour (close to $4000.00), a laptop computer with over $2000.00 in music software programs loaded, an ipod and various personal items were among the items stolen. We immediately called the police and suspected that an employee grabbed the backpack in the process of getting the work done.
The police came and took a written statement. The authorities suspected that it was an inside job as well but could not prove anything at that point. It is still under investigation but as of yet they still have not recovered the property or money.
This could not have come as at a worst time as we were looking to use earnings from this tour to help cover the upcoming holiday expenses for our kids and families. As you might expect we are extremely upset as this tour was doing very well for us (both financially and morale wise).
Despite this major setback the band is still continuing on with the DYING FETUS tour until the end. Our hopes are that we will be able to break even on this tour and not have to reach into our pockets to cover travel expenses, merch costs etc. We are looking for any type of assistance from our fans to help us through this difficult scenario.
Any donation of any amount will be absolutely appreciated. If you cannot do anything at this time then please try to make it out to our remaining shows on this tour and support us that way.
In spite of everything we are having a great time with DYING FETUS and the crowd support and response that we have been getting on each and every show has been astounding. Have a great Holiday Season…talk to you soon!
Please click here to donate.”
Thanks-More later all the best to Cephalic Carnage-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal, Stay Safe \m/ -l-