,,, Unfortunately, as a female, I'm constantly being harassed by a housemate in a boarding house (as I didn't choose him as a housemate, every room is rented separately) Joesph Thurston, some wingnut Jehovas Witness, as he will NOT stop sticking his head out of the window of our boarding house and making cat calls to any female (including myself) walking by, blasting Christian music between 4AM and 6AM, singing loudly and talking to himself, and following me when ever I leave the house, totally BIZARRE, as this behavior is unacceptable specifically in a boarding house. ..Everyone avoids this Jehovah's Witness dude Joesph Thurston like the plague, no one wants to talk to him, neither do I. I don't care what someone looks like in the morning, there is no reason to abuse others. I'm not straight, and I'm a staunch atheist, I can't fathom the many ways all of my friends want to discipline this Jehovah Witness negro, coon as we're all annoyed by this disgusting behavior. We've called the cops on him and one other 7 times in a month.
Not to mention that the landlord has just spent money on water sealing the bathroom, there fore closing the shower for two days because of Joesph Thurston's (room 4) INTENTIONAL abuse of such privileges (putting icky things down the bathroom drain on on the shower stall floor) as no one could shower for two days.
I'm going to press charges against this Jehovah Witness for harassment, perhaps sexual, and bullying and if you see him do that to you, take action, I will support.
I'm also going to sue this landlord for lack of house management, lack of adequate plumbing, multiple power outages (ruining one of my appliances), being locked in my room (first week) as the doorknob was tampered with before I moved in, no blinds in my room, hallway and bathroom and lack of hot water in court. We're also thinking that the basement apartment with the porch may be (not confirmed) an illegal rental. We have him this Jehovah Witness idiot (Joesph Thurston) on tape and on camera harassing, and stalking and menacing others.
Everyone in this house has reacted towards him (J. Thurston), and hates him, ex housemate Sam now gone back to the Czech Republic, put TWO holes in the hallway wall because of this Jehovah Witness wingnut, another housemate ripped this idiot Joesph Thurston a new asshole for stating sex offenders are exonerated from due process of criminal law because of religion, not in the USA dude, we wouldn't be surprised if this Thurston Jehovah Witness dude is an ex con whom doesn't work, has no social activities, hobbies or friends as we're wondering if he had/has any history of drug abuse or involvement with any drug trafficking at Meadobrook, because I'm straight edge, and I resent it, we'll call up URGENT.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-I will upload a pic of him soon, so you can confront that behavior. \m/ -l-