"Why do Jehovas Witnesses have inverted nipples, from people pointing at their chest stating "get off my property".
"I keep my bible in a pool of blood so that none of it's lies can effect me"-SLAYER
(EDITORS NOTE: OK, metaphorically speaking: Everyone knows that WWF wrestling is FAKE right? Healings are also fake. Christian and Baptists often have "healing" masses, complete with gospel choirs and charismatic preachers. There's a person with a head mic/earphones on with TV monitors consolidated with a preacher whom has an ear monitor. The person with the head mic is telling the preacher for instance: row 10 seat 3, that lady has cancer, heal her.. The preacher puts his hands on her to heal her, and the woman pulls the mandatory, intentional fall backwards (someone else is always behind them to catch their fall) :fainting melodramatically, imitating Jesus alleged submission on the cross, akin to stage diving. That church goer is so shocked that the preacher knows anything about her, attributing the preachers "knowledge" as "psychic contact with God"..These "healings" are a pre rehearsed, pre meditated shows. Many mega churches out west (USA) use these tactics, and depending upon realistic, objective perspective of just entertainment, it's hilarious, as it IS important to know that indeed these "healings" are fake. Notice the "call and response" and audience participation, akin to a rock concert. Check out this movie "Leap Of Faith" as I saw it in the early 90's as many of these preachers solicit millions of dollars in donations, enough money and political influence to legislate morality in the USA. The "Bringing in The Flock" scene shows in detail the way these preachers solicit money through the head mic to a preachers ear monitor (and community gossip/connections) method exploiting others misery through a pretentious form of "faith" to gain believers and your money.
It's weird how JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES are on the fore front of litigation regarding 1st amendment rights as the irony of knocking on strangers doors, pulling pranks on, and looking to brainwash others into some religious cult denies the right of atheists (and those not interested in JW) to privacy in our own home. BULLSHIT, the hypocrisy and blatant double standard. If Jehovas Witnesses don't want petty American standards shoved down their throat, don't shove this religious cult down ours as one has a right to NOT be forced into religious conversion. I will sue if I'm denied the right to privacy from wingnut neighbors and Jehovas Witnesses as DON'T CALL/DON'T KNOCK, and if you don't respect the boundaries, I can't guarantee your freedom or safety. ITP author is an atheist btw, I'm an evolutionist, we evolved from monkeys, apes ect. I was raised Catholic from my birth until I was adopted by atheists at the age of 9. My turning point was, as a 9 year old child, I realized Santa Clause didn't exist when I saw my mom wrapping X-mas presents and putting it underneath the tree. Also, watching those televangelists in all of their conservative hypocrisy as it didn't vibe with my more humanitarian and also now nihilistic point of view. Coming out as gay during the last 20 years and realizing that a lack of separation between church and state is very necessary and as Mormons spent 20 million dollars propagating hatred of gays during the proposition 8 issue in the debate for/or against legalizing gay marriages.. 20 million dollars could feed the entire Hudson Valley Area of New York for a year. I hated when the WBC "protested" Ronnie James Dio's funeral and the funerals of many deceased whom have served our country and also annoyed many in New Paltz, NY during the gay marriages. Most mainstream Christians and Catholics feel the same way, the religious right, and fundamentalists are craaaazy. ITP author is not a Satanist, although I'm for religious tolerance, and anyone whom challenges religious hypocrisy is awesome in my book. I have many friends of many different religions, I'm not really Wiccan either, although I relate more to them. Having many friends that are medical examiners and morticians, they assured me, we are all just wormfood when we die and have invited me to autopsies. http://spak-individualthoughtpatterns.blogspot.com/2009/05/itp-metal-and-social-justice-gay.html On the other side of the fence, while ITP is not Muslim or Islamic at ALL, I couldn't understand the whole controversy over a mosque being built near what was the WTC area of NYC, I grew up in NYC. Plenty of mosques and churches are situated in NYC, who cares. Some churches are gorgeous and historical and kinda cool, as the one church where people posted fliers of the missing during 9/11, although I'm an atheist, has a soft spot in my heart, for helping people during the 9/11 crisis, and being a landmark, and easy to find your way in that 'hood if you're lost, as I was always got lost in that hood in the early 90's. * First of all, a loong ITP author just moved to a boarding house in downtown New Paltz, NY in September. Apparently I'm living with a Johovas Witness ( he's NOT the landlord, room rented separately) who puts shaving cream in the (shared) shower stall floor (I politely asked him to clean it up) and on the toilet as he clogged the bathroom sink, the only water source in house, as we don't have a kitchen in the house, yet pay the market rate of rent. This moron black dude "Joseph Thurston", whom happens to be a JEHOVAS WITNESS, has knocked on my door and asked if I wanted to read the bible, (I politely declined) talks to and sings to himself after watching only religious cable TV stations (he doesn't pay for and steals cable), called up other Jehovah Witness and told them person A wanted to 'convert' to a Jehovah's Witness (not true-two Jehovah's walked into the house as no one hosted them, I politely declined them as Joe called them as I stated no when a car full of them drove up last week) when the house was busy pre paring for an exterminator to come over, as they are always annoying and don't have the right to trespass and solicit on private property. When I take a shower, Joe knocked on the bathroom door, umm, I'm naked and a woman, go away, as he really didn't need to use the bathroom, obvious it was occupied, he's a perv. Over all he's very self righteous, wingnut, not leaving others then freedom of 1st amendment to enjoy metal with headphones on. Also Joe has made sexually derogatory comments to me, a woman, as I'm a lesbian and I don't like him. He stands right in the staircase door way, harassing and annoying tenets coming in and out of the house and people walking down the street. Is this true ick, eww, go away!: http://eightmagicwords.blogspot.com/search/label/Pedophilia%20Problem http://blog.lotusopening.com/2009/06/jehovahs-witnesses-secret-database.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Enw2miiuX_k http://www.wikihow.com/Get-Rid-of-Jehovah%27s-Witnesses We've asked them to keep it quite, they want to argue. He LOUDLY sings, and talks to himself, and stomps on the floor. I couldn't wait to buy headphones for this 'puter, so I can drown out the wingnuts with some music, and metal. It is my first amendment right to enjoy metal without being harassed and any idiot that has a problem with this journal, is in denial of their OWN problems instead of seeing it as a deterrent from their behavior. I'm of the "live and let live" mentality as I don't care what someones religious preferences are as it's illegal to harass or evict people based upon musical, and sexual preferences or those of us whom want to left alone and be atheists. Of course, Jehovas, in their aggression don't get this, pushing their agendas down others throats. I'm not into alcohol, only drinking on rare occasional, the drunken babbling in the hall way has to stop, as I can't sleep, as one Czech Republic tourist and foreign exchange student got drunk and put a hole in the hallways wall. They (these foreign exchange students where I live, I have nothing against there homeland, good music there, good metal) must leave when they're VISAS are up, they can not overstay or they will be deported. Sam's 3 months stay is up in a week(?) as he would be considered an illegal alien so please make them leave when there time/stay is up. I don't make that decision, INS does, and the same rules apply to Americans even on SSI over seas, 3 months. Don't blame us Americans for your alcoholism and spoiled brat lifestyle, why should they have preferential treatment in our homeland, and deny their own alienating behavior. Yet, they don't respect others rights to first amendment on the phone in my room. BTW, here in the states, Jehovah Witnesse's are known to be a brainwashed cult, and very aggressive in their attempts to "convert" others going door to door. I can't tell you how many Sunday mornings I hid from these Jehovas as the came to my door at Meadobrook, DOOR to DOOR, leaving a trail of garbage (Watchtower fliers) at my doorstep. If your one of those Jehovas Witnesses or overall idiots, don't shove your opinions down our throat as the annoying behavior is intolerable and adversely effecting others. These religious cults don't respect free will, independence, individualism, critical thinking skills and civil rights/ liberties of others, yet the ACLU have always repped JW's. Jehovas Witness think they should have equal constitutional protection, literally at the expense of others. First amendment rights (in the USA) are for everyone, despite disagreements. However, I find "kids under 30", some Americans and religious wingnuts are very hypocritical of others first amendment rights in their denial of their behavior as we take our rights for granted. As America shifts towards a right wing, GOP, religious state, no thanks to TEA PARTIES I wonder what now, and who then. I paid my rent, I deserve better. Their mentality is that they can do whatever they want, making fun of others in a holier than others sensibility for simply being HUMAN, at the expense of others by way of tenet landlord law, or the law of the land you're WRONG. The issue isn't religious preferences or debates, it's about behavior. I FORGOT MY SOURCE, but it's credible: "The Court has traditionally respected the right of a householder to bar, by order or notice, solicitors, hawkers, and peddlers from his property. See Martin v. Struthers, supra; cf. Hall v. Commonwealth, 188 Va 72, 49 S.E.2d 369, appeal dismissed, 335 U.S. 875 (1948). In this case the mailer's right to communicate is circumscribed only by an affirmative act of the addressee giving notice that he wishes no further mailings from that mailer. "To hold less would tend to license a form of trespass and would make hardly more sense than to say that a radio or television viewer may not twist the dial to cut off an offensive or boring communication and thus [*10] bar its entering his home. Nothing in the Constitution compels us to listen to or view any unwanted communication, whatever its merit; we see no basis for according the printed word or pictures a different or more preferred status because they are sent by mail". As noted in Rowan v U.S. Post Off. Dept. (397 U.S. 728, supra), the Supreme Court has "traditionally respected the right of a householder to bar, by order or notice, solicitors, hawkers, and peddlers from his property" (Rowan v U.S. Post Off. Dept., supra, at 737, citing Martin v Struthers, 319 U.S. 141). Under this more "traditional" approach, the court upheld an ordinance forbidding the entry onto private property by solicitors, hawkers, peddlers, itinerant merchants and transient vendors, in the absence of a prior invitation by the owners and occupiers (Breard v City of Alexandria, 341 U.S. 622). The Breard court stated, in part: "The First and Fourteenth Amendments have never been treated as absolutes. Freedom of speech or press does not mean that one can talk or distribute where, when and how one chooses. Rights other than those of the advocates are involved. By adjustment of rights, we can have both full [*11] liberty of expression and an orderly life" (Breard v City of Alexandria, 341 U.S. 622, 642). The Breard court went on to distinguish Martin v City of Struthers (319 U.S. 141) as having been "narrowly limited to the precise fact of the free distribution of an invitation to religious services" (341 U.S. 622, 643). In Martin v City of Struthers (319 U.S. 141, supra), the court had invalidated a local law which forbade the door-to-door distribution of handbills, and which had been used against Jehovah's Witnesses who had gone door to door with invitations to a religious meeting. Justice Black, writing for the court in Martin v City of Struthers (supra), concluded that the local law infringed on the freedom to distribute information, but also acknowledged the propriety of leaving "with the homeowner himself" the power to decide "whether distributors of literature may lawfully call at a home" (Martin v City of Struthers, supra, at 148). (end of excerpt) SCARING JEVOHAS WITNESS AWAY: To each their own but leave me alone. No Knocking, no passive aggressive behavior, no soliciting, go to your "kingdom hall", but stay away from US! If this idiot Joesph Thurston approaches you and solicits Jehovah's Witness propaganda to you, please report him to the proper authorities, do what ya gotta do.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-