U.S. doomsters ALTAR have announced that the bands live set at ATP (New York- 9/5/2010) will be aired on WFMU 11/2/2010.
ALTAR - November 2, 2010
91.1 fm (NYC/Metro NJ)
90.1 fm (Catskills/Hudson Valley/WNJ, Eastern PA) www.wfmu.org (streaming live)
Live doom with Diane's Kamikaze Fun Machine on Tuesday, November 2nd from 12-3 PM! Diane will be airing a large portion of the ALTAR live set from September 5th's ATP appearance (where WFMU did a heavy slew of broadcasts, this one excluded til now)! ALTAR is Sunn O))) and Boris together, along with other contributors. The airing will commence at 12:30 pm on the Fun Machine and is going to be available for a limited period of time, so if you cannot listen live, be sure to check it out quickly, as WFMU will only stream it for three weeks. These songs redefine the words: Crush, Kill, Destroy very subtly, if that is possible. Tune in!
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-