Wednesday, August 13, 2014


8/13-14, 1994 as today is the 20th ANNIVERSARY of WOODSTOCK '94  in SAUGERTIES, NY (ITP's author attended) , the 45th anniversary of a "happy accident" called WOODSTOCK '69 (before ITP's author was born in BETHEL, NY and hails to MAX YASGUR), and the 15th ANNIVERSARY of the "unhappy accident" of WOODSTOCK '99 (ITP's author thankfully not in attendance) ,..And TWENTY YEARS seem to fly by.
All of this BEFORE the internet, cell phones, wi fi, and smart phones..
Thanks, it WAS an adventure and FUN, I learned a lot, was dirty, muddy, very wet, and moshed and danced my ass off,, all of that and I STILL made it to work regarding, what ended up being two very patient, and supportive employers.

Thanks mud people, one hippie, various rides, New Paltz peeps, Richie Havens, Joe Cocker, Henry Rollins, Cypress Hill, Primus, NINE INCH "fucking" NAILS, standing in the rain for crystal clear sound for  AEROSMITH, METALLICA, GREEN DAY mud fight...
The dude I met whom helped me regarding ground score, nice tent.
Security "I was just moshing" F U, being shoved in the mud, crowd surfing over the barricade as I was tired, All the cool fans internationally before the show started and the convo, thanks for the crowd surf, the surreal convo about Kurt Cobain, The Henry Rollins pit and the rain, Looking into the face of Shannon Hoon during Blind Mellon's set as he RIP a concert goer, and RIP to Shannon, B REAL of CYPRESS HILL's crowd surf, The dudes that pretended to be sick to part the crowd, and somehow it worked...Free water in the medical tent, sleeping on the grass, my bag and bus tic in front of the stage, and somehow I got to the fest and home to NYC SAFE.

FREE entry, mud, food water, and A LOT of RAIN and hugs, and all of SUNY NEW PALTZ was there..
Thanks to Saugerties, NY for the rides and taking good care of us.
You kids at HUDSON MUSIC PROJECT (get your $ back) and WOODSTOCK '99 have no clue, we had 500, 000 people and braved the rain with no riots..
BETHEL :wink: \m/ \m/

Only J BONE and LUDWIG trying to be helpful in New Paltz, RIP to them both.
Let's do it again..

Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-