Sunday, July 19, 2020

KAALA MUSIC: " You might notice that recently we've been posting photos and videos of abandoned houses in addition to our video streams of 1-band performances of bands we work with in Japan's underground scene. There is a reason for this."

Japanese record label/promoters KAALA MUSIC are looking for abandoned buildings for safe venues in the COVID-19 era.


You might notice that recently we've been posting photos and videos of abandoned houses in addition to our video streams of 1-band performances of bands we work with in Japan's underground scene.
There is a reason for this.
Just as we have worked the data behind the music scene here in Japan, we have also been looking into the vast landscape of vacant and abandoned properties here with the idea of locating ones that are viable to be repurposed for use as live music spaces compliant with the safety requirements in Coronatime.
Our aim is to contribute to the redefinition of live music experiences - what we consider of immense importance not just to the music we love but the people that gather and communities that form around it.

Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-