Russian extreme metal record label SATANATH RECORDS have a new FACEBOOK page.SATANATH RECORDS were banned from FACEBOOK for posting and promoting their BURZUM re-issues.
Subscribe to our new Facebook page!
A month ago, Facebook banned our page for posting a B***um reissue flyer. Thanks to all the bands, labels, magazines and fans who shared this news! It was a tremendous support! Many thanks to the Degragore (we released their album in 2018), who wanted to give their Facebook page with 35000 subscribers so that we can continue our business (but they had to give up because of Facebook persecution)! Also thanks to all the webzines and people who have contributed to their sites (
Metal Underground
, Morbid Shrine Productions / Erun-Dagoth
, Dark Legions Archive
, Noizz Webzine and others). Unfortunately, after a month Facebook did not return the community, but completely deleted it (before, the label boss could still see the page as the owner, but now it simply does not exist). We had to redo the page of one of the partner labels. We understand that it may also be deleted, since there can be no question of any justice on the social network owned by company Facebook. They don't care that their algorithms are blocking people just for music, and not for some radical views, which ordinary music lovers most likely do not have. So be with us on other sites! Until then, we will continue to promote our new releases on Facebook, because we understand that most of the audience and customers still use only this platform... Of course, we will not publish anything about the Norwegian music project that forbidden on Facebook, but this is not because we are afraid, but simply no new products are planned with it! 
Metal music label from Russia:
Extreme sub-label from Belarus:
Underground partners from Ukraine:
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-