Friday, June 18, 2021


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 Promoters for HELLFEST 2022, set to take place  6/17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th, 2022 CLISSON, FRANCE have confirmed (A HUUUUGE LINEUP),  METALLICA, NINE INCH NAILS, DEFTONES, SABATON,  GUNS AND ROSES, FAITH NO MORE,  JUDAS PRIEST, ENSLAVED, ZEAL & ARDOR, OPETH, MASTODON, MEGADETH, SEPTIC FLESH,  and many more extreme metal bands.







Que dire si ce n’est notre fierté (et notre impatience) d’enfin vous dévoiler l’affiche de notre édition anniversaire qui se fait tant attendre ! Garder le secret d’une affiche de ce calibre pendant plusieurs semaines n’a pas été de tout repos, surtout ces derniers jours…
Cela fait maintenant plus de 16 mois que notre rythme de travail a été chamboulé par l’arrivée de ce virus, que le spectacle vivant s’est éteint. Malgré cela notre confiance n’a jamais été altérée et nous avons continué de travailler avec l’esprit positif.
Cette frustration de 2 années sans festival nous amène aujourd’hui à rêver plus grands à nos retrouvailles ! En vous proposant en 2022 un format inédit et unique étalé sur 10 jours ! Jamais fait auparavant, cette formule restera à n’en pas douter dans les annales mondiales de l’histoire des musiques dites « extrêmes » ! Doublement historique, car cette formule est vouée à n’exister qu’en 2022 et ne se reproduira plus dans les années futures.
Après un premier weekend du 17 au 19 juin 2022 nous doublons la mise avec un weekend supplémentaire du 23 au 26 juin ! Un véritable marathon qui verra défiler pas moins de 350 artistes sur 6 scènes !
Comme à son habitude le festival ne déroge pas à ses principes : se côtoient des artistes capables de remplir des stades mais également des artistes habituellement cantonnés aux plus petites salles, voire même pour certains aux caves des Pubs. Punk, Heavy, Black, Hardcore, Death, Stoner, Pagan, Power, nous avons fait de notre mieux pour établir ce qui nous semble être « l’édition du siècle »
Inutile de vous lister le programme en détail car, pour la 2ème année consécutive, vous n’êtes pas en train d’headbanguer au festival actuellement. Vous avez donc tout le loisir de découvrir tout cela par vous-mêmes, tranquillement installé chez vous ou entre amis, en profitant de notre édition virtuelle « Hellfest From Home » ! (Pour info c’est par ici que ça se passe :
Cette édition exceptionnelle, c’est aussi pour nous l’occasion de remercier tous les détenteurs de pass qui patientent depuis maintenant plus de 2 ans. Votre loyauté et votre confiance nous ont permis de tenir bon et nous n’avons pas assez de mots pour vous remercier. Il nous paraissait donc normal que vous puissiez bénéficier d’un accès avantageux à la billetterie en vous permettant d’obtenir à coup sûr votre billet 24h avant la vente générale.
Nous avons bien conscience que certains d’entre vous, pour des raisons professionnelles, familiales ou plus simplement financières ne pourront pas vivre ce festival XXL. En passant par (et uniquement par !) notre partenaire TICKETSWAP (pitié arrêtez les Viagogo et consorts…), vous pourrez revendre sans grande difficulté votre pass pour le week-end qui vous intéresse le moins, et ainsi faire un heureux de plus !
Pour tous les autres qui auront la chance de vivre avec nous ces 10 jours d’anthologie, nous vous promettons que vous vous souviendrez de nos retrouvailles ! Et en prime nous vous ferons peut-être un beau t-shirt « FINISHER » afin que ce futur moment reste gravé à jamais dans vos mémoires. Once in a lifetime celebration !
Pour conclure, nous ne pouvions pas finir sans remercier tous ceux qui nous ont épaulés, encouragés et soutenus durant ces derniers mois. Bénévoles, intermittents, mécènes, prestataires de services, partenaires médias, clissonnaises et clissonnais, on est tous pressés de vous revoir et de vivre avec vous cette future aventure qui s’annonce historique !
Stay Strong. Stay Safe
Hellfest crew
⚠️ Détail billetterie ⚠️
- Hellfest part 1 du 17 au 19 juin 2022 /// PASS 3 JOURS : COMPLET (rendez vous sur pour dénicher un pass à la revente)
- Hellfest part 1 du 17 au 19 juin 2022 /// PASS 1 JOUR : COMPLET (rendez vous sur pour dénicher un pass à la revente)
- Hellfest part 2 du 23 au 26 juin 2022 /// PASS 4 JOURS (289€ hors frais de location) : PRÉVENTE DÉTENTEURS PASS 2020* - 6 juillet à 13h sur
MISE EN VENTE PUBLIQUE - 7 juillet à 13h sur
- Hellfest part 2 du 23 au 26 juin 2022 /// PASS 1 JOUR (89€-105€ hors frais de location) : MISE EN VENTE PUBLIQUE - 8 juillet à 13h sur
* Une prévente "spéciale" sera organisée le 6 juillet à 13h pour les détenteurs de pass de l’édition reportée et achetés uniquement via la vente en ligne officielle en octobre 2019.
Tout billet qui a été revendu via la revente officielle Ticketswap, ou dont le remboursement a été réclamé (en 2020 ou 2021) ne sera pas concerné par cette prévente.
What can we say except that we are proud (and excited) to finally unveil the long-awaited line up of our anniversary edition! Keeping such a line up as a secret for several weeks has been no easy task, especially in the last few days…
It’s been more than 16 months since our work rhythm was turned upside down by the arrival of this virus, since the live music industry was extinguished. Despite this, our confidence has never been affected and we have kept working with a positive mindset.
The frustration of two years without a festival has led us to dream even bigger about our reunion! In 2022, we are offering a new and unique format spread over 10 days! Never done before, this formula will, without a doubt, remain in the history of so-called "extreme" music! Twice as historic, because this formula is meant to exist only in 2022 and will not happen again in the years to come.
After a first weekend from 17 to 19th June 2022, we double the fun with an additional weekend from 23rd to 26th June! A real marathon that will see no less than 350 artists on 6 stages!
As usual, the festival does not deviate from its principles: you will see artists capable of performing in stadiums, with artists who are usually playing in smaller venues, and for some even in pub caves. Punk, Heavy, Black, Hardcore, Death, Stoner, Pagan, Power, we have done our best to put together what we believe to be the "edition of the century".
No need to list the program in detail as you are not, and for the second year, headbanging at the festival right now. You can find out all this by yourself, at home or with your friends, enjoying our virtual edition "Hellfest From Home"! (More information over here :
This exceptional edition is also an opportunity for us to thank the pass holders who have been waiting for more than 2 years. Your loyalty and trust have kept us going and we do not have enough words to thank you. It seemed fair to us that you should access the ticket sale 24 hours before the public sale in order for you to obtain your ticket for sure.
We are aware that some of you, for professional, family or simply financial reasons, will not be able to attend this XXL edition. By going through (and only through!) our partner TICKETSWAP (please stop Viagogo and others...), you will be able to resell your pass for the weekend you are the least interested in, and thus make one more happy fan!
For all the others who will have the chance to live these 10 days of anthology with us, we promise that you will remember our reunion! As a bonus, we might even make you a nice "FINISHER" t-shirt so that this moment will remain engraved forever in your memories. Once in a lifetime celebration!
Last but not least, we could not finish without thanking all those who have supported us during these last months. Volunteers, intermittents, sponsors, service providers, media partners, people from Clisson, we are all eager to see you again and to live with you this future adventure, which promises to be historic!
Stay Strong. Stay Safe.
Hellfest Crew
Tickets info :
- Hellfest part 1 from June 17 to 19, 2022 /// 3-DAYS PASS : SOLD OUT (go to for a second-hand ticket)
- Hellfest part 1 from June 17 to 19, 2022 /// 1-DAY PASS : SOLD OUT (go to for a second-hand ticket)
- Hellfest part 2 from June 23 to 26, 2022 /// 4-DAYS PASS (289€ +fees) : PRESALE FOR 2020 PASS HOLDERS* - July 6 at 1:00 PM only on
OFFICIAL TICKET SALE - July 7 at 1:00 PM only on
- Hellfest part 2 from June 23 to 26, 2022 /// 1-DAY PASS (89€-105€ + fees) : OFFICIAL TICKET SALE - July 8 at 1:00 PM only on
* A special presale will be organised on July 6 at 1:00 PM for 3-days pass holders of the postponed edition, pass only purchased via the official sale in October 2019.
Any ticket that has been re-sold via the official Ticketswap resale, or for which a refund has been claimed (in 2020 or 2021) will not be affected by this presale.
What can we say but it's not our pride (and our impatience) to finally reveal the poster of our anniversary edition, which is so awaiting! Keeping a secret of a poster of this caliber for several weeks hasn't been all resting, especially these last few days...
It's been over 16 months now since our pace of work was turned upside down by the arrival of this virus, since the live show went extinct. Despite this our confidence was never altered and we continued to work with a positive mind.
This 2 year frustration without festival leads us today to dream bigger about our reunion! By offering you a unique and unique format spread over 10 days in 2022! Never done before, this formula will definitely remain in the world's books of so-called extreme music history! Doubly historical, because this formula is bound to exist only in 2022 and will not happen again in future years.
After a first weekend from June 17 to 19, 2022 we double the bet with an additional weekend from June 23 to 26! A real marathon that will see no fewer than 350 artists on 6 stages!
As usual, the festival does not derogate from its principles: artists who are able to fill stadiums but also artists usually confined to smallest venues, or even for some in the pubs cellars. Punk, Heavy, Black, Hardcore, Death, Stoner, Pagan, Power, we did our best to determine what we think is ′′ the edition of the century ′′
No need to list the program in detail because for the 2th year in a row you are not headbanguering at the festival currently. So you have the pleasure to discover all this for yourself, quietly settled at home or with friends, enjoying our virtual edition ′′ Hellfest From Home (FYI this is where it goes:
This outstanding edition is also an opportunity for us to thank all the pass holders who have been waiting for more than 2 years now. Your loyalty and trust has kept us on and we don't have enough words to thank you. So it seemed normal that you could have beneficial access to the ticket office by allowing you to secure your ticket 24 hours before the general sale.
We are aware that some of you, for business, family or more simply financial reasons, will not be able to live this XXL festival. Passing through (and only through! ) Our partner TICKETSWAP (please stop Viagogo and others...), you can sell your pass without much difficulty for the weekend you are least interested in, and so make one more happy!
For all the others who will have the chance to live with us these 10 days of anthology, we promise you will remember our reunion! And as a bonus we may make you a beautiful ′′ FINISH ′′ t-shirt so that this future will remain forever etched in your memories. Once in a lifetime celebration!
In conclusion, we couldn't end without thanking everyone who has supported, encouraged and supported us over the past few months. Volunteers, intermittents, patrons, service providers, media partners, clissonnais and clissonnais, we are all in a hurry to see you again and live with you this future historic adventure!
Stay Strong. Stay Safe
Hellfest crew
⚠️ Ticketing detail ⚠️
- Hellfest leaves 1 June 17 to 19, 2022 /// PASS 3 DAYS: FULL (go to to find a resale pass)
- Hellfest leaves 1 from June 17 to 19, 2022 /// PASS 1 DAY: FULL (go to to find a resale pass)
- Hellfest leaves 2 June 23 to 26, 2022 /// PASS 4 DAYS (€ 289 excluding rental expenses): PRE SALE PASS 2020 *-July 6 to 13 pm on
PUBLIC SALE - July 7th at 13 pm on
Hellfest leaves 2 from June 23 to 26, 2022 /// PASS 1 DAY (€ 89-€ 105 excluding rental costs): PUBLIC SALE - July 8 at 13 pm on
* A 'special' presale will be held on July 6 at 13 pm for postponed edition pass holders and purchased only via the official online sale in October 2019.
Any ticket that has been resold via Ticketswap official resale, or claimed (in 2020 or 2021) will not be affected by this presale.
What can we say except that we are proud (and excited) to finally unveil the long-awaited line up of our anniversary edition! Keeping such a line up as a secret for several weeks has been no easy task, especially in the last few days…
It’s been more than 16 months since our work rhythm was turned upside down by the arrival of this virus, since the live music industry was extinguished. Despite this, our confidence has never been affected and we have kept working with a positive mindset.
The frustration of two years without a festival has led us to dream even bigger about our reunion! In 2022, we are offering a new and unique format spread over 10 days! Never done before, this formula will, without a doubt, remain in the history of so-called "extreme" music! Twice as historic, because this formula is meant to exist only in 2022 and will not happen again in the years to come.
After a first weekend from 17 to 19th June 2022, we double the fun with an additional weekend from 23rd to 26th June! A real marathon that will see no less than 350 artists on 6 stages!
As usual, the festival does not deviate from its principles: you will see artists capable of performing in stadiums, with artists who are usually playing in smaller venues, and for some even in pub caves. Punk, Heavy, Black, Hardcore, Death, Stoner, Pagan, Power, we have done our best to put together what we believe to be the "edition of the century".
No need to list the program in detail as you are not, and for the second year, headbanging at the festival right now. You can find out all this by yourself, at home or with your friends, enjoying our virtual edition "Hellfest From Home"! (More information over here :
This exceptional edition is also an opportunity for us to thank the pass holders who have been waiting for more than 2 years. Your loyalty and trust have kept us going and we do not have enough words to thank you. It seemed fair to us that you should access the ticket sale 24 hours before the public sale in order for you to obtain your ticket for sure.
We are aware that some of you, for professional, family or simply financial reasons, will not be able to attend this XXL edition. By going through (and only through!) our partner TICKETSWAP (please stop Viagogo and others...), you will be able to resell your pass for the weekend you are the least interested in, and thus make one more happy fan!
For all the others who will have the chance to live these 10 days of anthology with us, we promise that you will remember our reunion! As a bonus, we might even make you a nice "FINISHER" t-shirt so that this moment will remain engraved forever in your memories. Once in a lifetime celebration!
Last but not least, we could not finish without thanking all those who have supported us during these last months. Volunteers, intermittents, sponsors, service providers, media partners, people from Clisson, we are all eager to see you again and to live with you this future adventure, which promises to be historic!
Stay Strong. Stay Safe.
Hellfest crew
Tickets info:
- Hellfest part 1 from June 17 to 19, 2022 /// 3-DAYS PASS : SOLD OUT (go to for a second-hand ticket)
- Hellfest part 1 from June 17 to 19, 2022 /// 1-DAY PASS : SOLD OUT (go to for a second-hand ticket)
- Hellfest part 2 from June 23 to 26, 2022 /// 4-DAYS PASS (289€ +fees) : PRESALE FOR 2020 PASS HOLDERS* - July 6 at 1:00 PM only on
OFFICIAL TICKET SALE - July 7 at 1:00 PM only on
- Hellfest part 2 from June 23 to 26, 2022 /// 1-DAY PASS (89€-105€ + fees) : OFFICIAL TICKET SALE - July 8 at 1:00 PM only on
* A special presale will be organised on July 6 at 1:00 PM for 3-days pass holders of the postponed edition, pass only purchased via the official sale in October 2019.
Any ticket that has been re-sold via the official Ticketswap resale, or for which a refund has been claimed (in 2020 or 2021) will not be affected by this presale.