Tuesday, April 4, 2023



Austrian post black metal warriors ELLENDE have posted an announcement about the band not touring in 2024.







Dear followers, organizers and supporters,
It's time for some real talk about the future of Ellende. Some organizers may have realized that booking us for 2024 is not possible at this moment. It was my personal decision, as well as a mutual decision supported by my dear session-musicians. There are several factors which led to this decision for now, as well as some other changes that have to be done.
As you might know I'm very passionate about doing what I do. Creating music and art has always been a main driving force in my life. A personal recreational tool and an attempt to make sense of this world. Experienced in the same intensity today as all these years ago.
About 27 years of musicianship (starting with 5) and 11 years of Ellende I am now sitting here, seven records lie in front of me, beside many other releases I have collaborated on with incredibly talented musicians. Countless shows played with close friends and gifted musicians, something which makes life as rich as nothing else.
What has also happened outside of this universe, is that I graduated from university some years ago, doing PHD now and working in my field of research to sustain my life, as music does not provide sustainability. I was very aware of that and never needed my music to do so anyway.
This approach though has led me processing orders, doing invoices, toll declarations, tax declarations, accounting and countless other "business things" on my weekends and evenings, where I would actually need time to recharge and/or make music as intended with this project. All beside also planning, organizing and rehearsing for shows, and touring, so you can experience high quality concerts. My strong urge in doing things correctly has driven me into a corner which I tried to free myself for several years now. I ended up having three different tax accountants which didn't help me or answered my questions at all but simultaniously sucked out the last remaining cents of Ellende anyway.
As said, it was never about the money, Ellende evolves from strong intrinsic motivation but I don't have energy to do all this at once anymore. I am tired, desperate and angry.
Said that, it is not my style to give up or complain, never has been. I have experienced many lows in Ellende (which are usually kept hidden in this fake a** social media world), such as getting sued (illegitimate as it turned out) or being blocked to re-release some of my own records with my selfmade artworks.
Things are as they are and I will find a way, as always.
The only thing I would ask you is just to have patience with Ellende in this moment. A decision about how to proceed and what to do about all this will be made in some months. All announced and yet unannounced shows of 2023 will be played of course. Decisions will also be discussed as a group with my session-musicians and crew, as recent developments in their personal lifes haven't been easy for them as well. The only constant in life is change, blablabla.
Otherwise thank you for taking time to read this monster of a statement and thank you for your strong support towards Ellende! ❤
L.G. & Crew

Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-