Thursday, July 18, 2024

AFSKY: "Afsky will not be playing at the Antifascist Black metal gathering this year after all! �� Why? Not because we don’t want to, but because the venue cancelled us."

May be an image of text 

Copenhagen, Denmark based depressive black metal warrior AFSKY has commented on getting booted off the ANTI FASCIST BLACK METAL GATHERING.

 AFSKY unleashed "OM HUNDREDE AR",  3/15/2023 via VENDETTA RECORDS. 









Afsky will not be playing at the Antifascist Black metal gathering this year after all! ��
Why? Not because we don’t want to, but because the venue cancelled us. Why? Bottom line, because they chose to let rumours against me/Afsky weigh more heavily than to think for themselves. They basically said it was because they couldn’t handle all the shit talkers in the extreme left scene, who wants Afsky cancelled by any means, and therefore we cannot play after all. Afsky doesn’t fit in! So in the end they took the easy way out, and bowed down for all the haters and cancelled Afsky, even though I said im willing to talk to anyone who don’t understand and also gave them a long honest answer when they asked for it. I have nothing to hide. But in this extreme leftist world in the metal scene, there’s apparently no place for any differences or someone whos willing for an open discussion when we question each other. That’s super weak, and in my eyes, all the opposite of what the scene claim to stand for. This is a classical example of cancel culture based on rumours and fear. If you are aggressive enough you get your will, even though you are not right, but in the end, people will bow down either of fear of being cancelled themselves or simply of exhaustion.
When people started questioning Afskys participation at the festival, the venue asked me for the statement and to answer some questions, which they btw. could easily have answered themselves, if they had just done a little research. Anyway, I took my time and wrote a statement and send to them. If anyone cares to read, I can send it in a PM, it’s quite long and more than I can post here. But nothing in there is secret.
This was btw the venue that asked for the statement, NOT the promotor, that’s important for me to say, since I consider him a friend. We all do in the band. We have our differences like any other humans, but we can speak open about it and learn from each other. Just like it should be. It pays to have an open mind. If you can’t speak about differences you end up in a vacuum, where no new or different thoughts will have any place. That often end in totalistic views and extremism the way I see it. Either you agree 120% or you are my enemy. WTF is that sh#t? I thought places like this venue were about being open and welcoming. I guess I was wrong.
That being said, I’m quite disappointed that the venue chose to cancel Afsky, thought it didn’t come as a surprise to be honest when the shittalk started. I/we were invited by our friend, and I feel bad for him, bc he also ended in a shitstorm because of this. Because of people who thing they have the patent for what this scene is and stands for. I hope you feel victorious in your echo chamber folks now we got cancelled! Good job! Very brave, the world is a safe place again now! And sorry Luca we can’t come and play at your event. Still glad for the invitation though, and we will still gladly play at any event you host!
What’s sad is, that with this cancellation of Afsky, the venue also indirect agrees with the people, who see me as a horrible person, an ignorant, a zionist, a fascist welcomer, a nazi, even a nazizionist (whatever that means) and what else not I have been called. I know what I stand for, and more important I know that most of you out there do so too! Therefore the hate doesn’t mean anything to me. You are snowflakes in my sunshine! But we won’t be playing at the Antifascist Black Metal gathering this year.
Peace and love, Ole
Some of you might have seen AFSKY posting about being removed from the billing of this years ANTIFASCIST BLACK METAL GATHERING for which I contributed the artwork. I was aware of them being removed for some time and asked the organizer to remove my artwork as well (which they haven't done so far), simply because I don’t want to be part of what looks to me like giving into false information and slender (also towards me) being spread on the internet.
I'm sure this situation could have been prevented and the fest could have been a success for everyone involved including Afsky and myself. The decision to cancel Afsky is a loss and definitely sends the wrong signal.
The Black Metal scene is full of actual NS bands and those who tolerate and accept right-wing radicalism, and it’s important as Antifascist to be vocal against that. But Antifascist doesn’t mean to “cancel” obviously likeminded projects/bands for the reason that they don’t align 100% with your own–maybe too close-minded–view.
In my opinion the Black Metal subculture should stand together and fight right-wing radicalism / fascism, especially if there are a few people on the internet with too much time on their hands spreading false and harmful accusations and too holier than thou venues/bands who giving into and fuel that hate. I refuse to be part of or contribute to that.
Also I want to make clear that there is no bad blood from my side with the organizer and it was my decision to ask for the removal of my artwork because I honestly can’t understand nor will I support the decision to remove Afsky.
Misanthropic-Art stands for equality and the freedom of expression for everyone regardless of gender, skin color, origin, or sexual orientation. To embrace art, value integrity, and be antifascist. Not to participate in cancel culture.
The artwork used for the event will be used for an appropriate cause. I’m planing to release shirts and maybe prints which I’ll donate the profits to a good cause. More to that soon.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-