JOSHUA WARD, drummer for Asheville, North Carolina death metal warriors VORAATH died 12/31/2024 as he was killed by a drunk driver.
JOSHUA WARD was also the drum tech for NILE and TERRORIZER.
Woke up to hear the horrible news about the passing of our dear friend drummer
Joshua Nassaru Ward of
Voraath Our deepest condolences go to his family, friends, and band mates. Josh was killed by a drunk driver in an accident last night. A good drummer and really good person. Josh will also be missed by his community who he helped by delivering goods and services to people stranded in remote areas after the recent floods. He looked out for everyone . R.I.P.
If you can,
please go to his page and donate to his families go fund me.
Rest in peace to our brother Joshua Ward. Josh was the mastermind behind Voraath
of which our bassist Paul was a founding member and Chris had just
joined. Josh and us had been friends a long time, he was even going to
be a fill in drummer for us at one time. Everyone in The Reticent loved
and admired Josh and his amazing talent. This world is most unfair.
Like everyone else, the proper words elude me.
This could've happened to any of us.
I didn't know Audrey, Jade or his fiance, Zelena, but my heart is heavy for their friends and families.
Joshua Nassaru Ward I always thought you were one of the most gifted humans I'd ever met. Not just musically, but as a martial arts philosopher, a visionary, your physical stature, it's all been inspirational. You helped inspire me to start lifting.
can recall waking up early on tour with Enthean to find you in your underwear kicking a pine tree like Van Damme. It was your lifestyle, and I've yet to meet anyone as devout.
It's different losing an ex-band member. The bonds we forge onstage are unique and intangible. I've always known that, but this really hits home.
Truthfully, when Enthean was disbanding, you were the only person that came forth and told me the truth.
I am forever in debt to you for your honesty, as it liberated me, and said a lot about your character as a man. I told you that frequently, but I owe you more than a Facebook post. So, undoubtedly, music will be written in your honor. I feel you'd do the same.
In hindsight, I wish we would've worked on more music together. We'd spoke of rerecording some unreleased Enthean tunes. I wish I'd reached out more.
But, we drifted apart, as ex-band members tend to do. I always considered you a friend, and a true prevaier of the extreme.
You were plagued with hardship. My god you struggled for so long. I'm glad that you finally found some peace in your life with your fiance, Zelena. I'd like to think that you died happy. Which is all any of us can ask....
Heavy hearted news to begin the new year

A true and honest friend; his laughter, kindness & blast-beats will forever ignite our torches.
Josh was a modern day warrior.
We will miss him deeply.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-R.I.P.