If you live in NEW YORK, sign this petition to tell lawmakers now to cut health care in New York.
The news coming out of D.C. is scary, no way to sugarcoat it. But I’m here to let you know that we are not powerless. Citizen Action and our national partners have a plan to fight back to protect our access to health care from Republican attacks, and we need you to be part of it.
Republicans in Congress are ready to jam through big tax breaks for the rich and massive spending cuts to our health care, housing, and climate and environmental justice investments.
The tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations that Trump and Republicans passed in 2017, grew a new billionaire class where the richest 400 billionaires now pay less in taxes than most Americans.
Americans across the political spectrum believe that the rich and corporations don’t pay enough in taxes and should be made to pay their fair share. Please take action today by sending a letter to your members of Congress urging them to reject any tax breaks for the rich or cuts to healthcare spending.
We stopped Republicans from repealing the Affordable Care Act in 2017, and this year, we will protect Medicaid and all the public health programs that help our communities access the care we need.
Do you access health care through a program like Medicaid, the Essential Plan, the NY State of Health Marketplace, Child Health Plus, the Affordable Care Act to access care? We want to hear from you about how these programs help you and your family and why it’s important to protect and improve them. Please share your story in this form. Or contact Health Campaigns Manager, Ursula Rozum, urozum@citizenactionny.org.
Next week, House Republicans are planning to unveil their budget bill, expected to make trillions of dollars of cuts in spending on health care to give handouts to corporations and billionaires.
Citizen Action of NY and our partners at People’s Action invite you to join a national teach-in on, “Republicans’ Biggest Handout to Billionaires & Corporations: Teach-in on the Tax & Budget Fight,” Wednesday, February 5th, at 7:00pm ET
Please register at this link: ppls.ac/BudgetFight Learn how you can join us in fighting back to protect our care and make the rich pay their fair share!
Thank you for being part of the fight to protect and improve care,
Ursula Rozum
Health Campaigns Manager
Citizen Action of New York
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-