South Carolina, U.S.A. based
death metal warriors NILE have announced the band dog "NOVA" has passed.
NILE, via SPOTIFY, are streaming the bands
anticipated new release "THE UNDERWORLD AWAITS US ALL",
unleashed 8/23/2024 via NAPALM RECORDS
NILE have completed a WINTER 2025 U.S.A. tour dates with SIX FEET UNDER, PSYCROPTIC and EMBRYONIC AUTOPSY.
It’s with a heavy heart that we share that Nova the Nile dog passed away this week. For 16 years, she was part of the band’s life; keeping company and bringing cheer to
countless friends, Nile crew, and band members who stayed at the house. Ever hopeful that the metal guys would accidently drop some food!
Nova was very close with George in particular, who was “Uncle George” since she was a puppy.
For a decade and a half, she was always nearby, hearing countless hours of guitar practice, song-writing, rehearsing, and album recording.
(She was also a volunteer therapy dog at the Shriner's Children's Hospital, inpatient drug rehabilitation hospitals, and young adult-focused mental health centers for many years.)
Before she left us, she got to enjoy some bites of a Hardee’s breakfast biscuit, a few tater tots, and even some Hershey’s Kisses (the chocolate was courtesy of the emergency vet’s office, they had them in the medical supplies drawer

We’ll miss her more than words can say. Rest easy, little buddy.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-R.I.P. NOVA