The band is about to prepare for the recording of their newest studio album "Welcome To The Morbid Reich". Recording will take place in Hertz Studio again (Bialystok - Polska) from March 15th to April 10th, 2011. Mix and mastering in May, 2011. As Peter announced, he plans to record 10-11 tracks plus 2 bonuses for special editions of the album. As usual, you will have a chance to track the process of recording the album in a special studio report on the band's website ( The new album will be followed by a new photo session and a video clip. The band will make the decision on whom to work with at the end of March. "For a long time I've been thinking about new tracks and the album concept; more and more things start to be clear. For the most part I'd like Spider (Marek Pajak - guitars) to take part in the process of album creation. I also have in mind relating to the good old times with a new layout for the album. I met with Zbyszek Bielak, a very talented artist, who will design the new layout, merchandise and scenic elements. Zbyszek has already worked with such bands as Watain, Absu, Behemoth... The new album will mainly focus on the Morbid Reich feeling combined with brutal riffs and tempo of the previous albums. We also have a surprise for our devoted fans, we're going to come back to our old logo." (Peter-VADER)
Draft titles of a few tracks: "Lords of Thorns", "I Am Who Feast Upon Your Souls", "Only Hell Knows", "Return to the Morbid Reich", "I Had A Dream". We will have a chance to listen to 1 or 2 tracks on VADER concerts and summer festivals, as Peter announced. This year's Blitzkrieg will start a bit later, probably in October and VADER will play a completely new set!
Hails! Peter
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-