Friday, August 7, 2015


Toronto, Canada promotions company INERTIA ENTERTAINMENT have sent this statement regarding the cancellation of New York City, New York punk rock legends THE CASUALTIES 8/14/2015 TORONTO, CANADA show @ VIRGIN MOBILE MOD CLUB.

"JORGE", vocalist of New York based punk rock legends THE CASUALTIES, was allegedly accused of sexual assault over 18 years ago as the band DENIES allegations and have also sent a statement.

THE CASUALTIES released "Resistance" 9/25/2012 via SEASON OF MIST.


Toronto, Canada

In regards to the allegations against Jorge Hererra and the Casualties,; on their second statement addressing this issue, the Accuser Beth Gorely Dickerson responded saying: “Anyone can make a statement, it does not make theirs true” –.Would this not apply to hers as well?
Would I have booked this event, through one of Canada’s largest booking agencies had the fact been addressed from the get go, that I would have been hosting an alleged sexual predator, no.
Did I choose to honor a contract, yes. It was 3.5 weeks into promotion of the event that these allegations first were brought to my attention. I viewed the entire circumstances with what I deemed logic, but logic to some does not parallel thoughts of others. Understanding people are upset, I offered compromise by offering to donate proceeds of the event to a fund to support a ‘Journey from Victim to Survivor’, this compromise was met with jeer and jest.
Do I understand the gravity of Sexual Assault? My Aunt was stabbed 132 times to her death when she attempted to fight off an assault, an attack so vicious, one knife broke, another bent and the killer completed his murder with a third blade. I think this alone gives me a pretty good understanding on the seriousness of the topic.
Actions to shut this event down have degraded into Defamation, Slander, Threats, Intimidation, Harassment and Attempted sabotage.
This event has now been cancelled, advance ticket sales may be refunded at point of purchase 


The rumors about Jorge that allegedly took place almost 18 years ago are completely untrue. There is zero truth or fact to this story that is already old news. This fabricated story has been perpetuated from the start with no accountability or responsibility. The Casualties as a band (and individually) stands for equality for all people, races, and gender. There is no way we would be able to tour relentlessly like we do and have done, for nearly 20 years if this were the case. We will continue to defend ourselves against this rumor and will not back down. Unfortunately, people have been quick to judge and have not taken the time to think that they are not only, slandering a singer from a punk band, but also a father, husband and family man.
Sexual assault is a horrible, disgusting crime. It stirs up raw, painful emotions in all who oppose abuse. Sadly some people have resorted to sexist, racist, violent language and threats against people who have supported us or tried to discuss the issue with any sort of critical thinking. Because of this, we are looking into legal action to once and for all put this 100% untrue story to rest.
To all the fans, bands, promoters, and venues who have continued to support us for all of these years, we thank you.

-The Casualties

Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-