Wednesday, October 25, 2017


ITP's author has been up since 5: 30 EST U.S.A., by no choice of her own, no thanks to a mentally ill, wingnut neighbor babbling off knocking on her neighbors door (JANICE MARTELLO).
My nap was aborted when a neighbor (DAVID NICHOLS). with Asperger's Syndrome (Autism) starts screaming about some musician kicked out of his band after rape allegations (TWIGGY RAMIREZ).
 While not a fuck was given about a non metal band (*rock) I find the reactions hypocritical and "ironic". 

All of this from the most ignorant, retarded wingnuts who don't respect independent women and non whites.
First of all, this is no ones blog by mine, this blog is not a power struggle for some delusional wingnut whom thinks he's the editor (NO!!!) , he's dead wrong and being sued.

The mentality that a woman couldn't possible know what she's doing without a man being involved is bullshit, or if a woman's sexuality doesn't revolve around a man, or if a woman isn't submissive to a male chauvinist pig agenda is wrong.
Any audible male chauvinist pig attitudes are coming from uneducated, unemployed,  drug addicted, alcoholic, psycho-sociopath wingnuts.

No one wants to hear your delusions, you don't know me. 

Needless to say, I don't want that mentality reading this blog, nor near me.
How about some copy rights infringements to kick them off line?
They are not a part of my social network. 

There's one wignut we can hear yelling all day, we will have him arrested  soon and locked up, he'll be safer behind bars. 

 The above pyramid explains the male chauvinist attitudes that re-enforce rape culture, check your privilege, attitude and head.

..and don't pick up the soap. 

Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-