Friday, March 2, 2018

EISTANFLUG FESTIVAL 2018 7/11, 12th, 13th and 14th, 2018 Mýrargata 10 Neskaupstaður, ICELAND CONFIRM: SÓLSTAFIR, Auðn, KONTINUUM, HATARI and MORE BANDS

Promoters for EISTANFLUG FESTIVAL 2018, set to take place  7/11, 12th, 13th and 14th, 2018 @ Mýrargata 10 Neskaupstaður, ICELAND have confirmed SÓLSTAFIR, Auðn, KONTINUUM, HATARI and more bands.

 More bands for EISTANFLUG FESTIVAL 2018 T.B.A.

Always wanted to visit Iceland? This summer provides a great opportunity with Season of Mist bands SÓLSTAFIR playing a special extended show as well as Auðn and Kontinuum bound to deliver stunning perfomances at Eistnaflug festival (11-14 July). Get info & tickets here:

 HATARI mætir með læti á Eistnaflug 2018! 💣💥

💥💣 HATARI will be joining us again this summer 💣💥
Margmiðlunarverkefnið HATARI miðar að því að afhjúpa linnulausu svikamyllu hversdagsleikans. Sveitin hefur tvisvar í röð verið titluð "besta tónleikasveit ársins" á tónlistarverðlaunum Reykjavik Grapevine og hlotið gríðarlegt lof, ekki einungis fyrir tónlist heldur einnig einstaklega íburðamikla og frumlega sviðsframkomu. Þegar hún kom fyrst fram á Iceland Airwaves 2016 náði hún athygli fjölmiðla á borð við Guardian og Line of Best Fit, og var tónlistinni meðal annars lýst sem dansvænu en hráu raf-iðnaðarpönki með níhíló-pólitískum textum um siðrof nýfrjálshyggjusamfélagsins og endalok alheimsins. H
HATARI is an Icelandic multimedia performance project which aims to unveil the relentless scam that is everyday life. The project has been awarded "Best Live Band" by The Reykjavík Grapevine for two consecutive years, with the panel stating that "their brutality is matched only by their mystery". HATARI took the Icelandic scene by storm after Iceland Airwaves 2016, drawing attention not only to their music but also their explosive performances, where the likes of The Guardian stated: "You don't know whether to laugh or alert the authorities". Consequence of Sound recently defined the project as “part David Lynch nightmare, part goth dress-up party and part
industrial love letter, HATARI are a sight to behold.” HATARI deliver an unrivaled blast of bondage-pop, techno-punk and industrial-goth.
Get your ticket here:

Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/-l-