Friday, October 5, 2018

BLACK MOON SHOWS: "we were informed that it will not be possible to perform the concert of Cannibal Corpse + Napalm death tonight, there are no clear reasons of They claimed security and bureaucracy only, as as an organization we have all the requirements that require public shows and other institutions..... The bands are just like us, appalled by this surprising decision and we are already seeing the rescheduling options of the event."

BLACK MOON shows have posted the below statement on why the promoters anticipated 10/2/2018 GUATEMALAN show featuring CANNIBAL CORPSE and NAPALM DEATH was cancelled. 

Al público Metalero de Guatemala y en general, queremos informarles que hace unos minutos las autoridades del parque de la industria, nos informaron que NO será posible realizar el concierto de CANNIBAL CORPSE + NAPALM DEATH esta noche, no hay motivos claros de esta situación aun, adujeron seguridad y burocracia únicamente, ya que como organización tenemos todos los requisitos cumplidos que exige espectáculos públicos y demás instituciones.....
Las bandas están al igual que nosotos, consternados por esta sorpresiva decision y ya estamos viendo las opciones de reprogramacion del evento.
En los próximos días, les haremos saber que procede y como respecto a los boletos adquiridos, saben muy bien que somos responsables ante todos.
Pedimos las disculpas a todos los fans de estas dos bandas y vamos a trabajar muy duro para que el show sea la antes posible.
El show de El Salvador sigue 100% en pie.
Black Moon Shows/Black Line Productions.

To the public of Guatemala and in general, we want to inform you that a few minutes ago the authorities of the industry park, we were informed that it will not be possible to perform the concert of Cannibal Corpse + Napalm death tonight, there are no clear reasons of They claimed security and bureaucracy only, as as an organization we have all the requirements that require public shows and other institutions.....
The bands are just like us, appalled by this surprising decision and we are already seeing the rescheduling options of the event.
In the next few days, we will let you know that it comes and as compared to the tickets acquired, they know very well that we are responsible
We apologize to all the fans of these two bands and we will work very hard for the show to be as soon as possible.
The show of El Salvador follows 100 % on foot.
Black Moon Shows/Black Line Productions.

Saludos metaleros de Guatemala y público en general. (favor leer todo el comunicado y compartir).
Después de concluido el show de Cannibal Corpse y Napalm en El Salvador y el frustrado concierto de estas mismas bandas en Guatemala, es importante y en honor a la verdad, presentarles toda la documentación y pruebas que nos respaldan y sustentan el hecho que el show que el parque de las autoridades del " Parque de la Industria", cancelaron el evento de una manera arbitraria e intransigente...

Cual seria la intención como empresa de montar un show y llegar al día del evento con todos los requerimientos técnicos cumplidos, tener a las bandas en el país , tener todos los pagos realizados y cancelar el evento? Especialmente, cuando al día siguiente haríamos el mismo show en El Salvador y si hubiera sido negligencia nuestra, las bandas hubieran cancelado ese show también.
La dirección de espectáculos públicos en Guatemala, actualmente carece de un director nombrado, y tienen una "Directora en funciones" recién asignada al cargo temporal , de una dirección que durante al menos dos meses estuvo acéfala. Por lo tanto fue mas tardado y engorroso el tramite de los permisos. Sin embargo esta documentación fue mostrada a las personas del parque de la industria y aún así ellos decidieron cortar el suministro eléctrico y negar la opción de apertura de puertas al público. Todo esto a minutos de concluir las pruebas de sonido y de manera caprichosa y sin dialogo previo. A esto hay que sumarle, lo restringido que ha sido ingresar al "Palacio Nacional", (donde están ubicadas las oficinas de espectáculos públicos) por la situación política actual en Guatemala.
Con respecto a los boletos adquiridos, ya hemos iniciado el proceso de cuadres y liquidaciones con los puntos de venta y así iniciar el proceso de devolución lo antes posible. También, estamos viendo con los artistas la reprogramación y también existirá la posibilidad de canje para cualquiera de nuestros eventos, cada quien elige que opción escoge.
Les pedimos la compresión del caso y saben muy bien que hemos siempre hemos sido responsables con el manejo de nuestros evento ó situaciones adversas a lo largo de 16 años.
Para concluir, el área legal ya ha tomado las acciones pertinentes del caso.

Gracias por la atención y por compartir el comunicado.

Greetings from Guatemala and public in general. (please read all the communiqué and share).
After the end of the cannibal corpse and napalm show in El Salvador and the frustrated concert of these same bands in Guatemala, it is important and in honor of the truth, to present all the documentation and evidence that support us and support the fact that the show that The Park of the authorities of the "Park of industry", cancelled the event in an arbitrary and uncompromising way...

What would be the intention as a company to assemble a show and reach the event day with all the technical requirements fulfilled, have the bands in the country, have all the payments made and cancel the event? Especially when the next day we would do the same show in El Salvador and if it had been our negligence, the bands would have canceled that show too.

The Directorate of public shows in Guatemala, currently lacks a director named, and have a "Director in functions" newly assigned to the temporary charge, of an address that for at least two months was acephalous. Therefore it was more delayed and cumbersome the process of permits. However this documentation was shown to the people of the industry park and yet they decided to cut the electrical supply and deny the option of opening doors to the public. All this minutes to conclude the sound tests and capricious and without prior dialogue. To this you have to add, the restricted that has been to enter the "National Palace", (where the offices of public shows are located) for the current political situation in Guatemala.

With regard to the tickets acquired, we have already started the process of reconciliations and liquidation with the sales points and thus start the process of return as soon as possible. Also, we are watching with artists the rescheduling and there will also be the possibility of exchange for any of our events, every one who chooses which option choose.
We ask for the compression of the case and know very well that we have always been responsible with the handling of our events or adverse situations over 16 years.
To conclude, the legal area has already taken the relevant actions of the case.

Thank you for the attention and for sharing the communiqué.


Giancarlo Ceroni
It happens that the industry park serves for evangelical meetings on weekends in the mornings then as they pay a lot to continue ensuring the tithe is that the admin. From the park you prefer to have them happy because they have every weekend of the year. They want freedom of worship but they don't let freedom of expression.


Marlon García López
Guatemalan race do not leave, there is a clear attempt to censor the metal in that country, they must protest and manifest to defend their right of free expression and ideology

Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-