Monday, September 9, 2024


 May be an image of 2 people and text


 Polish black metal warriors BATUSHKA have changed their band name to PATRIARKH. 

A polish court ruled that Krzysztof "Derph" Drabikowski owns the band name BATUSHKA after he founded the bands in 2015. The lawsuit over BATUSKA'S name will be appealed by former member Bartłomiej "Bart" Krysiuk. 

Drabikowski and Krysiuk split in 2018 as Krysiuk signed to METAL BLADE RECORDS (and now NAPALM RECORDS) under the BATUSHKA name. 

 Drabikowski unleashed "Панихида" in 2019 as Батюшка

 Krysiuk carried on as BATUSHKA and unleashed unleashed "HOSPODI (Господи)",  7/12/2019 via METAL BLADE RECORDS.








As you may have noticed over the past few weeks, we have been spreading the word about our latest concerts in various parts of the world. The time has come for which we have been preparing for the past few weeks – a time of FINAL CHANGES.
Over the past two years, we have been working on new music, a new album, and a new stage. It has cost us a lot of sacrifices and effort. Along with the new musical stage, we have decided to embrace a new chapter of the band under a completely new name. This is also the perfect time for all your attention to be focused on our music and what we have to say through it, rather than on legal or personal struggles that have plagued our minds like a cancer.
Now that we see how important it is for many people to discredit our hard work and divert attention from what really matters, our MUSIC, we have decided to lift this burden so as not to negate our efforts. We want to completely disassociate ourselves from all of this, change the band's name entirely, and start a new chapter for ourselves as individuals and for the band.
On the other hand, we appreciate how many people value us, the dedicated fans we have all over the world, and how much we owe to you. Therefore, we want to bury all negative emotions, disputes, and dramas along with the old name Batushka.
With new music and a new name, we aim to set a new direction and begin a new story. A story that we hope you will join us in building together worldwide because without you, our Pilgrims, it doesn't make sense!
The change will not happen overnight, this phase will last until the end of the year. In the meantime, prepare for new music, a new image, and a new quality of performances that we want to introduce along with the new music.
December 13th will be a symbolic date. In Melbourne, Australia, the final farewell concert of Batushka will take place, and we will collectively bury this stage during the last liturgy.
Right after the new year, with the new publication, PATRIARKH will be born. The patriarch, along with the new covenant, will begin his reign and send his Prophet into the world!
Anticipate the blessing of your new Patriarkh and the new Great Orthodoxies!
МОНАХ БОРУТА – guitars
ЛЕХ – drums
ЯЗЫЧНИК – choir
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-