Sunday, March 16, 2025

MY SILENT WAKE: "This year looks like it will be the final year that we perform live as a band. The reasons why we have come to this decision are many."


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   British Gothic, death doom metal warriors MY SILENT WAKE have announced this is the last year they will be performing live.





MY SILENT WAKE, via SPOTIFY, are streaming  the bands anticipated new release "LOST IN MEMORIES",  LOST IN GRIEF", unleashed 5/3/2024 via ARDUA MUSIC.





We have a big announcement to make:
This year looks like it will be the final year that we perform live as a band. The reasons why we have come to this decision are many. At this point I believe this will be a permanent situation but all things can change in the future. Things have become increasingly difficult to arrange around our locations, jobs, family commitments, other band commitments and other constraints and we have ended up having to turn down more gigs than we can agree to do. For every gig we play we also need rehearsals which require everyone to be available, travel and other organisation.
This does not mean the end of MSW as a recording entity, which is how we started. The first gig was in 2007, after we had already released two albums.
So, if you want to see the band play live, come and see us this year in Tilburg, Apeldoorn, London or Plymouth as it will most likely be the last chance.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-