Friday, March 18, 2016

BARONESS: Man sought over Leeds 2/26/2016 heavy metal gig attack

West Yorkshire, England police have released a still pic (BELOW) from a video of a suspect of  an assault at a recent 2/26/2016 BARONESS show at LEEDS UNION, UK. 

A man allegedly assaulted another concert goer as a 25 year old man asked the suspect to leave him alone as he "bumped into him" (moshing?) at the BARONESS show. The 25 year old concert goer was assaulted in the face and sustained two fractured eye sockets needing metal plates fitted. 

Last week, Savannah, Georgia, U.S.A. sludge warriors BARONESS sent a statement on an alleged fan on fan sexual assault at one of he bands recent UK shows.

ITP V.016 EDITORS NOTE: ITP V.016 authors HATES this bands music, the bands music is AWFUL. The good news is BARONESS have run a successful crowdfunding campaign breaking ties with that shitty label they were on, as the music still AWFUL. All the best to the victim of this sexual assault, a female writer.

Man sought over Leeds heavy metal gig attack 

Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal, STAY SAFE-\m/ -l-