Virginia based doomsters KING GIANT have unleashed a video for the track "Solace" forom the release "Southern Darkness".
Pimmit Hills, Virginia-based doomsters KING GIANT have just unveiled their new performance-based video. The second video from their 2009-released Southern Darkness full-length, this brand new visual portrayal of the track “Solace” was filmed at Washington D.C.’s infamous 9:30 Club, and portrays the band boasting their soulful Southern rock in a thunderous live setting. The video was produced by Kevin Barker and Double Kick Productions, who also produced the first video from Southern Darkness, for the track “13 To 1″, released last September.
More widespread touring and live appearances are imminent for the remainder of 2011; more details will be announced as they are confirmed throughout the year. Worldwide, contact Earsplit PR to cover KING GIANT. Interviews are always available.
“…melodies and atmosphere inhabit that common ground among Alice In Chains, Eyehategod and Hank III. The album title is apt.” – Decibel Magazine
“Unhealthy, doom-tinged southern filth.” – Terrorizer Magazine
“If Backwoods Payback, Earthride, Crowbar, Beaten Back to Pure and Down’s Nola, speak directly to your soul, then you’ll be doing back flips over Southern Darkness. This is riff after riff of gruff, Sabbath leaned southern-metal, with arrangements and vocals bathed from head to toe in soothing, sourmash sauce.” – Hellride Music
“If Johnny Cash rose from the grave and started a metal band this is what it might sound like. Folks, this is some serious shit.” – Heavy Planet
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-