NINE INCH NAILS main man TRENT REZNOR and collaborator Atticus Ross won an academy award for best movie score for David Fincher's "THE SOCIAL NETWORK". FROM BLABBERMOUTH.NET:
"Wow. Is this really happening?" Reznor asked during his acceptance speech. "When we finished work on 'The Social Network', we were very proud of our work and happy to just be involved in this film, and to be standing up here in this company is humbling and flattering beyond words."
Once backstage, Reznor added, "A side of my music with NINE INCH NAILS was going instrumental so it was not a huge leap or stretch to try [scoring a movie]. The biggest challenge was working with a picture. [Director] David Fincher knew exactly what he wanted. It was one of the best experiences of my life from start to finish.
Reznor added, "[Inception] composer, Hans Zimmer, who I've been battling at awards shows all year, told me, 'In a lot of ways, I hope you win because it's helped open up the field a bit for texture of what film scores can be.' "
Reznor and Ross's score for "The Social Network" won a Golden Globe award last month.
Reznor told that he did not see an Oscar nomination as a certainty, saying, "We didn't go into this project with any expectations of any kind of award recognition. The weight of the Oscar — we certainly didn't think that we were guaranteed credit. We had our fingers crossed but it was still a very nervous morning."
Reznor added that when he was a kid growing up with dreams of being a musician, the thought of being nominated for an Academy Award never occurred to him. He explained, "In fact that never crossed my mind until a few months ago when the film came out. The whole experience of working on the film — it was unexpected to have that opportunity . . . It feels great to think that the Academy recognized it because it is not a traditional score. I'm very flattered that they've taken notice of it. It means a lot to me."
"The Social Network" received a total of eight nods, including "Best Picture", "Best Director", "Best Actor" and "Best Adapted Screenplay".
Reznor and Ross's next film score is for "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo", also from "The Social Network" director David Fincher.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-