ITP UPDATE: ITP V.011 DAMNED IN BLACK (BLACK METAL NEWS) PART ONE AND NOTES FROM THE EXTREME METAL UNDERGROUND V.011 PART 2 WILL BE POSTED 4/2 or 3rd 2011 if all goes well, as we're working on BOTH DAMNED IN BLACK (BLACK METAL NEWS) and NOTES FROM THE EXTREME METAL UNDERGROUND V.011 PART 2 (death, grind, thrash metal news). HUMANITY IS DOOMED (DOOM METAL NEWS) shall be posted in mid April, as all three metal news features will be a special "SPRING BREAK NECK" EDITION with spring 2011 metal festivals listed. Send me your news only if you're a significant extreme metal label, promoter, SIGNED BAND ect. at SWORDSANDGRAVES@MYSPACE. Also, :crosses fingers: ITP V.011 will expand our network into TWITTER with a blogspot feed in the summer of 2011 as ITP REVIEWS will (hopefully) be back in the summer. Also, by the fall of 2011 ITP V.011 will be building a secondary FACEBOOK account sort of consolidated with ITP V.011 FACEBOOK for band, label, promoters news. Yeh, send me your news and add ITP V.011 on FACEBOOK as well.
Oh, BTW: This month of MARCH (2011) marks ITP's seventh anniversary online, as we started this beast in MARCH of 2004.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-