FROM BRIAN WERNER: "We are glad to finally rid ourselves of this cancer that has been eating away at this band from the inside for many years now. The truth of the matter is you are only as professional as your weakest member. I don't know of ANY band that allows you to get drunk and miss practice, or now show up to practice for over a year, or start physical fights in front of promoters and still expect to have your job the next day.
"The truth of the matter is I am the sole owner of ALL intellectual property rights, the name itself, all the lyrics, most of the music, all the artwork, the logo, all the social media sites, all the merchandise as well as I am the ONLY member to appear on every INFERNAEON album. Kevin Gibbons was, in fact, a core member until he chose to leave the band and elected not to record on the band's newest album, 'Genesis To Nemesis', therefore giving up any all rights he had. It's funny how members who actually quit the band and aren't on the last album want to try to force me out."
Added drummer Adam Sagan: "It's unfortunate that it's come to this, but the fact of the matter is Kevin and Dave don't have a leg to stand on. Neither one of them procured a single show, tour, recording contract, management deal, booking agent or endorsement for the band. Their firing has been long overdue, and what happened in Puerto Rico is ultimately the straw that broke the camel's back.
"The truth of the matter is that Brian Werner owns all intellectual property pertaining to INFERNAEON; the name, lyrics, images, trademarks, etc. Imagine someone telling Dani that he's fired from CRADLE OF FILTH and you'll understand the arrogance at work in this situation. It was also quite a surprise to me when I woke up a couple of days ago to see that they had unilaterally started a new Facebook page proclaiming to be the 'official' INFERNAEON page, which not only had no vocalist listed, but also listed Jeramie Kling as the band's drummer. Jeramie and I spoke on the phone that morning and he was even more surprised by this than I was. This is very indicative of how these two attempt to handle business. That being said, I wish them luck in whatever endeavors they choose to pursue — even the foolish, baseless legal actions they are threatening."
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-