"Please do a Whois on the [domain] name and you will see that my company has owned and used the name INFERNAEON in commerce since 7/14/2004 which was when my brother Kevin formed the band and put out a demo and asked me to acquire the domain for him and set up a web site. Additionally, we own and all dating back to 2004, which I have purchase receipts for. I also have receipts proving I put over $14,000 into this band within the last year and a half for numerous band bills including our recording and tour, that my brother contributed a truck worth at least $8,000 as trade for a camper on tour, and that Steven shelled out $6,000 in cash that he contributed for a replacement van that would immediately afterwards break down on us. No one else in INFERNAEON can make these claims whatsoever. No one else but me has the receipts and I will gladly show them in court."
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-