In regards to Baltimore, Maryland music venue SONAR closing, and previously booked shows moving to regional venues, MARYLAND DEATH FEST promoters have stated: "What's going on with Sonar? They are re-opening. Stop worrying."
As of ITP press deadlines, there has been NO official announcement, only speculation on WHERE the 2011 MARYLAND DEATH FEST (set for May 26-29, 2011) will take place. There is rumor that THE MARYLAND DEATH FEST 2011 will stay in Baltimore, Maryland @ SONAR despite it's transition and closing. Baltimore, Maryland's SONAR has been the official home of the MARYLAND DEATH FEST for a few years.
ITP V.011 WILL keep readers posted. Check MARYLAND DEATH FEST's FACEBOOK for updates on WHERE the 2011 MARYLAND DEATH FEST will be:
Sonar will be re-opening before MDF, and technically they already have. These last couple of days have been incredibly confusing and stressful, but we are currently back to the regularly scheduled program. And don't worry, beyond plan B is a plan C, because that's how we roll. See you in a couple of weeks.
FROM SONAR VIA TWITTER: (live music venue, Baltimore, MD): Sonar_Baltimore Sonar Baltimore sonar to reopen. phew.
Today was a good one. I think Sonar will be able to open within 2 weeks and many if not of the all of shows...
Hey everybody we are working as hard as possible over here! We don't want to post any information until we know...
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-