The process of creation "Welcome To The Morbid Reich" has run smoothly so far and according to the plan. The report presents the next step in work on Vader's new album. Below you can read a few sentences from Pajak about his impressions on the work progress in the studio. The fourth part of the report next week! ..m/
"A few days ago my first visit to Hertz Studio came to an end. The works went quite undisturbed. I recorded my three songs plus the solo parts. I also managed to record the solo parts for Peter's tracks and some guitar parts to the bonus songs. Currently we're working on the remaining tracks and get down to recording the bass parts. So far I'm quite pleased with the results of work. I really like the initial sounding of instruments and I know that it's only the beginning. Wieslawcy Bros are doing a marvellous job. They can also be very motivating and suggesting interesting solutions sometimes. We're about to finish the rest of the material soon. Then Peter will record his vocal parts and the beginning of May is the time for mixes and mastering. Houk!"
/Pajak "Spider"/
Thanks-Stay Metal, stay Brutal-\m/ -l-