ITP V.011 UPDATE: Sorry about the delay, V.011 author has of personal stuff to do this week so the metal features and rest of V.011 reviews are delayed. We are coming down to the last few weeks of 2011 and the year flew by. Keep in mind that V.011 will change title from V.011 to V.012 (to signify the new year) 1/1/2012 including syndicates (if I can) same metal blog, please don't get confused.
I was wondering if writing the metal news features monthly NFTEMU, DAMNED IN BLACK and HUMANITY IS DOOMED) would be a little redundant, (I used to post ITP METAL NEWS FEATURES MONTHLY).. I'm thinking about perhaps posting the metal news features bi monthly or quarterly, per quarter touring cycle. There fore, more potential time for ITP V.011 REVIEWS:
ABOUT THE SOPA DEBATES (USA): The SOPA BILL is tabled until later today, 12/16/2011.
I don't think SOPA will adversely effect ITP V.011/V.012 as this metal blog is NOT, I repeat NOT a BIT TORRENT (no links to any illegal download sites on as ITP has current CONTENT, press releases from the extreme metal music industry and (when I have time) reviews. I am a little jealous of BIT TORRENT blogs as they get more hits and higher ratings than ITP V.011, while I slave over breaking stories from my metal industry networks and sources, and the occasional writers block as reviews upon inspiration.
YOU TUBE,REDDIT FACEBOOK and TWITTER and obviously BIT TORRENTS can be adversely effected via SOPA, I'm just saying..
On the issue of YOU TUBE, I love it, as the only compromise is YOU TUBE sharing royalties with the industry, although I ADORE YOU TUBE (I've never posted a video on YOU TUBE) for what it is and can't live without it.
In fact, the NEDA story (IRAN), ARAB SPRING and so many other news breaking stories were broken by YOU TUBE and TWITTER, by the people (with cell phone cams and YOU TUBE/ TWITTER accounts) for the people during professional media blackouts.
Funny story, I was watching a major network news channel this past winter that sourced a viral video on a rat jumping on a sleeping NYC subway rider. The video posted was sourced from a YOU TUBE user whom filmed the incident on his cell phone camera. This major TV network sourced YOU TUBE, and wow have times changed, as the TV network cameras can't always be there to break news stories from rodents in NYC subways, to police brutality and subsequent riots..
Many metal features on ITP V.011 (UNCOVERED, THE ART OF DANCE,ITP METAL AT THE MOVIES (MOVIE TRAILERS) wouldn't be the same without YOU TUBE. With the potential for disaster regarding SOPA vs. the entire world wide Internet, the alternative is doing what does more often than not: Posting promotional trailers and videos straight from the bands, film makers and record labels, sanctioned by them as I always have..
The BLOCK on ITP V.011 is self imposed in collaboration with AMERICANCENSORSHIP.ORG ( ) and honestly, I don't like to get "political" on ITP or shove my opinions down others throat.
However, if anti SOPA BILL petition, the block serves a purpose, GO AWAY, don't read ITP as you're probably a threat to my civil liberties and constitutional rights and (not that I can control interpretation of V.011 or who's lurking) as within that corperate censorship, I wouldn't want you reading ITP anyway..
If you're alienated by V.011 anti SOPA self imposed block, you should be, and if you don't sign the petition I hope ITP V.011 self imposed block alienated the right people.
So sign this petition at AMERICAN CENSORSHIP.ORG against SOPA H.R.3261 or I'll personally block you from reading ITP:
ITP V.011: Is a fair use/attribution, no derivative, share alike,
(ugh, I can't chose just one license creative commons EXTREME METAL BLOG, OWNED and OPERATED BY SPAK: THERESA GETELES, all rights reserved.ITP V.011 does NOT own the music in this blog, as all music on ITP V.011 is used for promotional and educational purposes. News, tour dates and ITP V.011 content is sent to ITP V.011 in press release Internet format by record labels, bands, musical projects, promoters and music venues, with a few quotes from amusing bands on TWITTER, MYSPACE and FACEBOOK.
ITP is working on a license. SEVEN YEARS of blogging, and let's say between ITP V.08/V.09 and on going I'm finally getting the hang of it. IT'S GETTING BETTER: One thing ITP's wanted to do for 2 years now, DELETE MOST of ITP 2004, 2005, 2006 and parts of 2007. ITP 2004-2007 vs. ITP 2008 ongoing is NIGHT and DAY and mucho improved doing my own homework.
In the future, ITP REVIEWS may be liscened for creative commons, (under the condition of credit, and no editing, I'll check my spelling thanks), then again, I've been offered to post ITP REVIEWS on another prominent metal website, as I'll think about it.
As the debate over the markup of the Stop Online Piracy Act continues on Capital Hill, more technology heavyweights are calling for average to register their discontent with the . Companies such as Reddit and Wikipedia are redoubling their efforts in opposing the measure, which aims to target online pirates in part by redirecting Web traffic from sites that host pirated content.
The Progressive Change Campaign Committee and Reddit have been pushing a campaign arguing that SOPA, as written, would harm future innovation.
These executives lead some of today's most innovative and influential technology firms.
“Big corporations are lobbying Congress to pass a bill that would prevent sites such as Reddit, YouTube, Google or Bit. from ever getting off the ground,” the group’s campaign asserts, before issuing a call to have participants calling on their members of Congress to oppose the bill.
Underpinning the argument about the bill’s possible effects on innovation are two open letters to Congress, one sent by the founders of several prominent Web firms, including Google, Twitter, Wikipedia, and the other by engineers who were instrumental in creating the structure of the Internet, The Washington Post reported.
Supporters of the bill say that the measure would not damage the Internet or free speech, though Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Tex.) has introduced an amendment to the original bill to address some of these concerns.
In a more drastic measure,Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has been discussing the possibility of staging a stunt to pull Wikipedia off the Internet in protest. On a discussion page at Wikipedia, approximately 90 percent of those who’weighed in support the temporary blacklist — a tactic the online encyclopedia used to combat an Italian privacy law.
“A few months ago, the Italian Wikipedia community made a decision to blank all of Italian Wikipedia for a short period in order to protest a law which would infringe on their editorial independence. The Italian Parliament backed down immediately,” Wales wrote.
Dissenters among Wikipedia’s ranks say that such a move wouldn’t have an effect on the political process. Others have said that Wikipedia should not become a political platform, pointing to Wikipedia’s own rules that it is not be used for advocacy.
“While I root for the opponents to SOPA, I don't think Wikipedia (the international Web site) should get their hands on local politics,” wrote one commenter on the site. “A banner would be an acceptable middle ground, something stronger (a complete block) would penalize people all around the world for something they can't do anything about.”
Web companies have taken their fight against SOPA viral, promoting their views on the legislation through homepage banners, calling campaigns and aggressive social media pushes for popular support.
ITP RE RATE (RE RATE OF OVER OR UNDER RATED REVIEWS): (2009, 2010, 2011) will be posted in LATE DECEMBER
ITP V.011 REVIEWS ITP V.011 REVIEWS WILL BE POSTED ON WEEKENDS as will be announced mid week on the disclaimer on the right of this journal.
Through everything I've been through, I've been very dedicated to writing and keeping ITP updated even if it meant using public access 'puters through some dark times in my life. I can NOT express the dedication of ITP's READERS and thank them enough as ITP's readers are international from my homeland in the USA to Norway, to Australia, to South America, Germany, UK everywhere. ITP's author/editor thanks YOU the READERS, a mighty SALLLUTE and HAILS to you all for being dedicated readers. I would honestly be writing ITP even if no one read it, as an expression, but I must give the metal horns to ITP's readers as YOU INSPIRE ME.
ITP REVIEWS will be on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (time, mood and stability permitting).
It's time to get to WORK on ITP V.011, long hours as it will be. Yes, I said I would do this late last year, and it is officially DONE. ITP's author JUST started an account for this blog on TWITTER. Again, I just started the ITP V.011 TWITTER account in JUNE, so it will take me a while to build a following and to follow others. Keep in mind I'm a NUBIE to TWITTER as I will have an secondary private TWITTER account for myself. I'm digging TWITTER already.Do NOT add ITP V.011 if you're a phisher or SPAM BOT, because we hate that crap.
Look to the RIGHT of this journal (DISCLAIMER) for ITP V.011 anticipated weekly review schedule..Please TWEET me your band news and tour dates @ITPV011, send me a bulletin or message to SWORDSANDGRAVES@MYSPACE or add me on MYSPACE, TWITTER or Individual Thought Patterns V.011 on FACEBOOK.:Looks to the RIGHT of ITP V.011: I've also added ITP V.011 on a NETWORK of Extreme Metal blogs VIA FACEBOOK and BLOGSPOT entitled NETWORKED BLOGS hit me up for an add as I don't want to lose touch with my metal compadres and I want to meet new metal heads as I really do enjoy the extreme metal bloggers on BLOGSPOT and elsewhere on the net. All bands on MYSPACE add me on FACEBOOK and I might even start a secondary FACEBOOOK account. So please, all friends on MYSPACE for SWORDSANDGRAVES, ITP V.011 on FACEBOOK, BLOGGED, BLOGCATALOG and follow ITP V.011 on TWITTER.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/