Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Anyone stalking ITP V.013 author, you're not going to be doing that, there will be consequences. No I'm NOT Hispanic and I only speak English.
Anyone on this property that I live "impersonating" anyone including anyone in the music bizz, will be arrested for impersonation.
Also, ITP is INDEPENDENT and objective from record labels (INDEPENDENT MEDIA) as they are (sometimes) a source. ITP has NEVER offered anything for download, anyone slandering ITP will be arrested and sued.
Maybe when I have time I'll write a journal entry about the insider aspect of media and the music business, some quite humorous (and frustrating to metal/music media) on the mistakes, and complexities of labels,  and their media department vs. independent media. There are some job openings at record labels now.
Also, (to anyone in print media-including some idiot named "Morgan") really, digital media is a different ball game compared to print media. Sort of (metaphorically) the differential between riding a bike and driving a car, print media is in a recession, glad you aced the fourth grade. However, dude, this is grad school in comparison.
And here..The worst written press release from Arab Emirate mainstream media that I can't make heads or tails out of. The bands names are not stated in this press release. However, if I took my time, I vaguely remember this story from a year or two ago, and if I did some extensive research, I could get more info.

Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-BBL