Oakland, California pioneering black metal project XASTHUR has announced the project is re-activated, due for a new release in 2016.
XASTHUR released "Portal Of Sorrow", unleashed 3/26/2010 via DISHARMONIC VARIATIONS.
NOCTURNAL POISONING, the post XASTHUR California bluegrass/acoustic rock project released the projects debut, "DOOMGRASS", unleashed 10/7/2014 via THE END RECORDS.
NOCTURNAL POISONING unleashed "A Misleading Reality" 7/13/2013 (SELF RELEASED).
Xasthur has returned.
For five years, Nocturnal Poisoning was locked out and denied every opportunity or open door that Xasthur used to have, or would've had. I worked hard at building up both projects, starting both of them from nothing and nowhere, but I'm taking back what's mine. Xasthur doesn't belong to the greedy hipsters that milk the metal business; it belongs to me and it's mine to take back.
The music could've always changed, but the name never had to. I've made a lot of mistakes in my years of music and that was one of them. The music will not be compromised though. I lost interest in black metal a long time ago, so I'm not going to do some kind of music that I don't give a shit about or doesn't mean anything to me; is that bizarre? Trust me, if I was able to do that kind of music, if I didn't get burned out on it, if I didn't learn something new or find other ways of making music, then I would still be doing it, but I can't, so I won't.
There's no need to rehash old xasthur songs, the acoustic ones are plenty dark, and sometimes they're not. If you've been listening, reading, thinking and getting it, we could call it Xasthur acoustic/unplugged with, whatever, a country, blues, "folk", bluegrass, doomgrass or singer/songwriter style and technique in it. That's the way it'll be, because that's what keeps the songs coming and keeps them thorough, real, clearer, cohesive and not forced.
Robert and Christopher will still be a part of what has grown musically here, just under a familiar name. They too have worked hard and deserve a better fate than what nocturnal poisoning would have given them, as they've both spent many hours and came many miles to do this, which is greatly appreciated.
You'll begin to see some new and old Xasthur merch in the future coming out through Disharmonic Variations and possibly via a couple trustworthy "labels" on the side that I can work with, some that can actually give something for a change, so that I may have the opportunity to serve you with what you need or want. I will do what I can do so that you're not getting the same old same old.
There will still be some additional nocturnal poisoning merch, for example a 'stealing from the poor' shirt, maybe an album reissued on vinyl, but the NP merch will decrease and mostly newer Xasthur merch will increase. The next xasthur full length will be in 2016.
The name Xasthur is something that never went away, I thought it would, but it's who I am and what was built for me to put anything in to.
Thanks for listening to this long rant and I hope it's specific and less confusing than nocturnal poisoning.
The NP page will still be around for a while, but for some other additional information and news, please join https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=824188390951258
Xasthur -
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-