Thursday, July 20, 2017


CHESTER BENNINGTON, vocalist of California hard rock warriors LINKIN PARK  died today of suicide (via hanging) at 41 in Los Angeles, California.





"In The End", many of us are tormented and suffer from mental health issues.

Anyone suffering today, I know that feeling:

Aaannnd my feed is flooded with Chester s (On to the next,human) suicide...also full of how suicide is "cowardly". Let's just shut that shit down right now. Having lived with clinical depression and an anxiety disorder since I was a kid to dumping booze on it until my 30s then after treatment to the present, suicide is not fucking cowardly. From C.D. to ptsd to anxiety disorders, some don't have any fucking idea what the fuck you're talking about. It's super fun having the voice in your head telling you to just fucking mutilate your useless ass into hamburger every single waking fucking moment of every day. You have no control over it. You can totally just snap out of it and "cheer up"! While trying to keep your life and family together day in day out. It really has to do with just getting away from it once and for all. Because you're tired of it. Because it never stops. Because you've drown in it and been eaten by it for so long. Not because someone is "cowardly" or looking for "attention". Get the fuck over yourselves.


I haven't listened to this band in years but the Hybrid Theory got many spins from me in middle school.


What's with all those artists comitting suicide?
Now Chester ( Linkin Park ) too?…/linkin-park-singer-chester-ben…/amp/

 We are shocked as all the word for this tragedy. Our hearts and thoughts goes to Chester's family, Linkin Park and their fans, like our drummer Marco.
Rest In Peace.


Our thoughts and prayers are with the family, friends and fans of Chester Bennington. His bandmate, Brad Delson, was a Randall endorser for many years. RIP Chester.


Heartbroken - Absolutely Devastasted 💔💔💔
Thinking of and sending love to his family and bandmates at this shocking time - RIP Chester Bennington


Chester Bennington Has Died. Don’t Be Dicks, Undergound Metalheads


Our hearts and thoughts are with Chester's family, Linkin Park and their fans today. Such a tragedy. Rest In Peace.


I usually don't write posts like this...or at least only if they really matter to I just have to write something. Today it is about Chester Bennington. The singer of one of my favorite bands ever. The hero of my youth. The guy who got me into Rock when I was a stupid little teenager. My first CD single ever that I bought on my own was fuckin 'Crawling'...This song was the song of my youth...This band with their amazing singer has inspired me so immens you can't even imagine. I was saving up my money for so long to buy turntables just to find out that I'm not Joe Hahn...I had a band, bought a keyboard, wrote melodies like 'In The End' just to find out that we sucked and we were not Linkin Park. I wrote lyrics and vocals and found out I'm not Chester Bennington. BUT I wrote music that was meaning something to me, fuck it is even meaning something to some of you guys. And guys, trust me if I tell you that my music wouldn't be the same without this guy..Hell I don't even know if I would make music including guitars and electronics...So many people have compared my music to either Pendulum or Linkin Park and that is the reason why...I'm so shocked and sad right now, I can't find the right words. I just had to write this down quickly because I owe this guy some words. I hope he finds peace and I know he won't ever be forgotten. This guy was a legend and will be one forever. Thank you! Dan


I am so shocked and saddened by this tragedy of yet another amazing artist taking his life. I was just with Chester not even a month ago and I never would've expected this. Please! I'm reaching out to ALL artist across the globe. I don't care what genre you are a part of, rock, pop, urban, country.... PLEASE reach out to any of us if you need help man. Wtf! This is senseless and extremely sad. None of us are perfect, and ALL of us have issues. We all battle very similar addictions and obstacles that are hard for someone who does not live our lifestyle to understand.
But we need to interact more and not treat music like a competition. We are all one. All part of a very elite group of individuals who creates art in a way that not everyone can do. And music is a universal language that we all share and communicate thru. We are the voices that heal. Remember that!
So please see the value and the magic in what makes you special and unique to us and the world, and why we need you to stay with us. Continue to flourish us with your gifts and songs that we all sing. But PLEASE stop taking your lives.
Your families, children and friends all love you. And "we" (your silent friends) love you, need you and are here for you at any time.
This has become too frequent in the last 2 years alone. And I don't want to lose any more of these rare gifts.

RIP Chester. We love you brother!

Just this week, someone in the blog comments told one of our writers to kill themselves and got banned for it.
If you think that suicide is a joke or that saying "triggered" is a joke, you're a piece of shit. Yes, always. In any context. Forever.
RIP Chester Bennington


This is unreal 😢
Chester Bennington.
Rest in power

Another great loss. Rest In Peace, Chester...
"Song after song he seemed to revisit the same wounds, and the impression almost always was of the scrawny sensitive soul finally pushing back after a lifetime of abuse. He was unapologetically a victim—the solace Linkin Park provided, with its techno-futuristic beats and energizing power chords and Shinoda’s stern boasts, was in turning victim into righteous superhero."

If you're having suicidal thoughts: YOU ARE NOT ALONE! ❤️
Call 24/7: National Suicide Prevention Hotline


Chester was an incredible human being and will forever touch our lives. We’re proud to call him our friend and we will miss him deeply.
Please, if you're fighting depression and pain, speak out. There is always someone to listen.

All our love,


What a loss! Saddened by the news today. Rest In Peace Chester, thanks for the music


It's true the way I feel
Was promised by your face
The sound of your voice
Painted on my memories
Even if you're not with me
I'm with you


With the sad and untimely death of Chester Bennington we must remember how dangerous and powerful depression can be. Organizations like Hope For The Day are on the front line fighting the good fight and spreading mental health awareness and information for suicide prevention. If you or someone you know is suffering with depression or suicidal thoughts speak up and seek help. Have hope! It is ok to not be ok.


Another great loss. Rest In Peace, Chester...


It is like you can't take a breath in 2017 without losing someone in the music industry. Rest in peace, Chester Bennington. You will be dearly remembered.

It seems to happen over and over again and it's still hearbreaking.
RIP Chester Bennington
People are ready and willing to talk.
Depression/mental illness is bigger than any individual.
1-800-273-8255 - National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


So shocked and saddened by the news of Chester Bennington's passing. I remember the first time I met Chester. I was in a bad mood backstage and he came into the dressing room and lifted my spirits before I took the stage. Working with Chester and Linkin Park on the song 'Rebellion' was some of the most fun I've had collaborating with another artist. They made me feel right at home when I joined them on stage at the Hollywood Bowl and at the Forum. Our hearts go out to Linkin Park and to Chester's family. Chester Bennington will be missed.
-Daron Malakian


Just this week, someone in the blog comments told one of our writers to kill themselves and got banned for it.
If you think that suicide is a joke or that saying "triggered" is a joke, you're a piece of shit. Yes, always. In any context. Forever.
RIP Chester Bennington
RIP Chester Bennington

Appalled by the lack of sympathy or respect by some for a human (who happens to be a musician) who died tragically. The fact that anyone would have the audacity to critique or comment on his music on the day we learn of his passing is beyond me. We "get it" you're very cool you didn't like what you saw as "unhip music." What a desensitized disgusting and selfish way to present yourself. Take your opinion and shove it up your pretentious ass. A fellow musician committed suicide today and all I can think of is his family and friends. Mental illness is rampant in the artistic community. We should be addressing this tragedy with respect, compassion and grief that is all. Keep your unwarranted options to yourself and allow his friends and family to grieve. Just because he was in the public eye gives you no right to judge his life or music at this time. Show some class please. My condolences to the family of Chester Bennington. May he find peace in the next life/world what have you. 

Something personal today: Without them, this label would not exist. It is "Hail to Quorthon and Chester" now I guess. RIP!

 At first you think they have everything, but soon enough you realize that no one on this planet can have everything. We all carry holes in our hearts, but for many of us, music has always been a savior in our times of need. A safe land to write, to create, to forward all your pain and anger. And time after time, you truly believe that music is the cure. But then Chris Cornell kills himself, and then Chester Bennington kills himself, all in a few months. Without a doubt, the world is crazy and unbearable, but how can you even start to comprehend this?


We are so sorry for all his friends, family and everyone in his musical orbit, fans included.
It's impossible to know what's going on in anyone's head, rock star or regular joe. If you feel like you need help, or just need someone to listen, please ask for it, seek the listening ears out. They are not far away.


hella depressing news about Chester. I know lots of you might be heart broken right now.. I am too.
life on earth is not easy for anyone. lots of us feel isolated and lost but we each have the opportunity to make a difference.
try and make someone smile.. even if it’s YOU! sing, dance, play, have patience with yourself, everything is OK. and it’ll get just a little bit better everyday. CHOOSE to be positive - this is more for me than you, I’m a total negative Nancy.. 😅 LET’S MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE IN!! we got this!

This band introduced us in heavy metal music.
We bring our condolences to his family and to Linkin Park.
Rest in Peace Chester Bennington.


We are incredibly saddened to hear about the passing of Chester Bennington. The Linkin Park One More Light North American Tour has been cancelled and refunds are available at point of purchase. Our thoughts go out to all those affected.

Have you been to the edge? Have you dragged razor blades across your arms, tipped out your pill containers and wondered if you have enough to take you out? Have you stood on a chair with a rope around your neck? Have you ridden that moment where the wrong decision could end your life?
I've been there and stepped back, and if you haven't, I guarantee you know someone who has.

There are those among us who have lived through awful crimes. Those who have survived addictions and other self destructive behavior. People who despite all the odds, stayed alive and created meaningful, wonderful lives. But survival and recovery are a high wire act and trauma waits, waits for it's moment. And sometimes no matter what things might look like from the outside, despite the loving partners, beautiful children and friends, a switch gets tripped and some of us lose our balance and fall off the tightrope. No judgements, just sadness. #RIP Chester.


A few words in Icelandic about depression, suicide & Linkin Park. A gateway band for many, including myself, and a solace for the angst of millions of teenagers who have felt like outsiders. Be kind to one another and honest to yourselves and others about the voracious black dog. You are never alone in your pain & there is ALWAYS a way. Promise. 

Hugleiðingar um Linkin Park, þunglyndi og sjálfsvíg
Ég er ekkert hræddur við að fullyrða að "In The End" er eitt af mínum uppáhaldslögum allra tíma. Ég eignaðist "Hybrid Theory" 11 ára gamall og sú plata hitti beint í mark við minni táningsangist rétt eins og hjá fjölmörgum öðrum unglingskrökkum sem upplifðu sig utangarðs.
Textar Linkin Park fjölluðu gjarnan um depurð, vanlíðan og einmanaleika og urðu fyrir það gjarnan uppspretta háðs. Margir kannast eflaust við háðsglósurnar tengdar textabrotinu "Crawling in my skin, these wounds they cannot heal". Sjálfsvíg söngvarans Chester Bennington munu nú ávallt sýna texta sveitarinnar í nýju ljósi.
Sama hvort fólki þykir textasmíðin djúp eða ekki, þá koma þessi tíðindi sjálfsvíga hjá fyrst Chris Cornell og núna Chester Bennington beint í æð umræðunnar hér á Íslandi um þunglyndi og sjálfsvíg, ekki síst hjá karlmönnum. Það er gríðarlega stórt og grátlega vanmetið vandamál sem feimni hefur ríkt í kringum alltof lengi.
Verum til staðar fyrir hvern annan. Spyrjum hver annan hvernig okkur líður og verum hreinskilnir við okkur sjálfa og aðra um svarta hundinn. Þeir sem þekkja mig vita að ég tek aldrei illa í djúpar samræður um lífið og tilveruna og tek þær raunar fram yfir hjal um ekki neitt. Ef einhver vina minna hér þarfnast eyrna, hvenær sem er, þá býð ég mig fram.
Ef þeir sem áður hafa trúað mér fyrir því að hafa tekist á við sjálfsvígshugsanir hefðu ekki opnað sig og leitað sér aðstoðar þá væri tilvera mín miklu mun fátæklegri en hún er.
Þú ert ekki byrði.
Það er alltaf önnur leið.
Ég lofa.



It is a sad day today to know that so many of us will no longer share in your laughter, friendship and love. You showed us time and time again what it is to be an incredible human being. A beacon of light and hope is what you will always be to us. We love you Chester. We will miss you

blink-182 is wrecked by the loss of our friend and amazing musician Chester Bennington. We could never imagine playing blinkin park without his incredible talent and voice. It just would not be possible. We send our deepest sympathies to his family, bandmates, friends and fans. Refunds will be available at the point of purchase.


I remember Chester.
I remember my first exposure to him.
We were playing a show in Pittsburgh, I think, (location doesn't really matter) and this new band, who's first hit single "One Step Closer", was ALL OVER the airwaves already, called Linkin Park, were opening for us. I remember thinking, "I wonder of they're from Chicago? "linkin' park" and all..."
I remember sitting in our dressing room and hearing that song start during their set. It drew me out of the dressing room and I stood side stage and watched, in awe of his ferocity, precision, and power. I walked back to the dressing room and said to the guys, "Uh oh...we'd better step up our game tonight, these guys are GOOD!"
I remember when the band, Warner Bros. Records label mates, came to say hello when we were shooting our music video for Prayer, also the same day I met the woman who was to become the love of my life...Lena.
I remember sharing a stage with them on Ozzfest, and although they were originally met with some boos and jeers by the often less than open minded metal crowd, Chester and Co. were unfazed, and mid-way through that tour, they had won the crowd over, and were kicking ass and taking names.
I remember doing a side run together at that time, and Chester caught me kind of making fun of him while I was getting some clothes from under the bus. I had my own little version of "Crawling" where I sung the opening line of the verse with my own lyric (JOKINGLY), "I don't know why I have to sing like such a hurts pussy...", not knowing that he was standing directly behind me listening!!!
I turned around and noticed he was there and turned white.
"Um...sorry brother! I didn't mean anything by it! I have mad respect for you! Just playing around!!", I said. To which he responded, "We'll at least I actually sing, not just make noises like Oooh wah ah ah ah and ugh ugh!!! (laughing)."
"You got me brother...", I said laughing, "much love".

I remember when us, Papa Roach, and Linkin Park were all on a chartered jet together headed to The World Famous KROQ acoustic christmas show, or twisted acoustic christmas show, or weenie roast, or SOMETHING, and it was basically a contest of who could be the loudest, most drunk, and most obnoxious at the, and Chester and Jacoby were trying to outdo each other each minute, with me playing the part of the grumpy old man, trying to get some sleep in my seat, unsuccessfully, because Chester and Jacoby kept accosting me every 5 minutes trying to get me to join!!
I remember when I met his family, his children, and saw what a loving father he was, and how much he adored them.
I remember when they got the lead track on the Transformers soundtrack (I was a little jealous,, I heard the track, saw its copious usage in the film and said, "OK..THIS IS THE GAME CHANGER. They will now go from being nu-metal sensations, to global superstars."...and they DID.
I remember him reaching out to me right after our performance of "The Sound of Silence" on Conan O'Brien Presents: Team Coco.
He said, "Dude! That was fucking amazing!!! I had no idea you could sing like that!!! Why don't you sing that way more often???!!"
I was humbled.
I remember talking to him just recently, right after the new record came out, and I told him that I hoped he didn't mind me saying how proud of him I was. That it took great courage to break new ground stylistically for the band, and that the song ("heavy") was a HUGE HOOK, and to pay no mind to the idiots out there who didn't get it.
AND I will always remember when I first heard of his passing today.
Lena and my son Sam were swimming outside, and the text chain began between my brothers in Disturbed and I about the horrible news. I remember feeling the hot stinging tears streaming down my face as I watched my wife and son playing, with a greater appreciation for them, and my life, than ever...SHOCKED, and in disbelief of what I had just been told.
I remember Chester Charles Bennington....
...I cherished and admired him...
...and for all the reasons I listed above, and many more...
...I will never forget him.
-David Draiman



 We are very saddened by the loss of Chester Bennington. Our thoughts are with his friends, family and all of the fans he touched over the years. The world won't be the same without you, Chester. You were one of the true greats. - Team Doors


RIP Chester


Words can not express the devastating loss that my son & I both, along with the rest of our families are feeling over my ex husband & son's father's recent passing. Unreal to stay the least!
I pray from my soul that he is at peace and no longer suffering.
My son & I are extremely spiritual & would like to share our believes with you in hopes it brings a little comfort.
We do not believe there is a hell. We believe that we as souls make "soul contracts" we agree to come into this world with the knowledge of our destiny & when it's fulfilled we move on to a higher vibration of energy, meaning "the next level". He fulfilled his destiny while helping others every step of the way through his music, a hand shake,a conversation, or even a hug. No matter if you saw him on stage, had an opportunity to meet him anywhere he truly touched everyone in a positive way. He absolutely loved singing for each & every one of you & for all of his friends & family at home all the time. I have always missed him singing throughout our home & loved it when he would visit, he would sing for us every time we ask or just spontaneously . He absolutely had a God given talent!
We are all created the same & connected so Chester you are never "gone". Our souls & energy are forever connected.

Chester, as one of my best friends of the age of 19, a husband, father to my son, business partner, and all we created together, I'm truly honored to have completed our soul contracts together, build all we did together, & thank you for giving me the greatest gift ever, our beautiful son Draven.
I promise to continue to raise a great man who has integrity, humility, kindness, & most of all compassion & love.
I do feel your presence as a guardian angel watching over us & Im extremely filled with gratitude.
Thank you to Draven's god parents Uncle Stefie & Moni along with friends & family for joining us in with a raw ruby crystal that we shared a prayer, we all kissed the stone, & prayed to chester to find peace & fill his heart with love. Then our son through it in the ocean as an offering to God/Source.
We also want to thank our family and friend who traveled close & far for their support & continuous love.
We will always love you Chester.
From the bottom of our hearts .. love Sam & Draven Bennington

I have struggled with Mental Illness for most of my life. I have spent most of this time hiding it from the people around me at work and in public but my Family has suffered immeasurably from it. I recently made a decision to go off my meds because I thought I didn't need them anymore, for some reason I thought I was fine. This resulted in me abandoning my Family for a week while constantly terrorizing my wife with vicious phone calls and text messages. I don't know why I did it, I don't know how I could have come to the conclusion that I didn't need my meds but I'm here to tell you I was wrong. Meds may not be for everyone who suffers but if you've got it like I do you've got to commit to them and don't let your mind trick you into thinking that you're ok. I'm not ok. I'm far from ok, the damage I have done to my Family can't be undone and I am so sorry to my Wife and all my children for the years of torment and abuse I have put you through. You guys have somehow stood by me and continued to fight for me and be there when I came back to reality. I'm putting this out there because I'm sick and my Family doesn't deserve to have to hide my illness from the world anymore. There is no shame in having Mental Illness the shame is from hiding it from the world and forcing your loved ones to hide it for you. Please, if you are suffering out there don't be ashamed to get help, don't be ashamed to take your meds and talk to your therapist. Get in a program and do the work, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I could never say this anymore clearer then this, I love my wife and kids with all my heart, I have hurt them so much over the years and I am so deeply sorry. They are the light at the end of my tunnel and I will do anything to be standing in the light with them.

As a band, Dead By Sunrise has taken quite a while to make any sort of cohesive and rationale statement regarding the passing of our closest and most loved friend, partner, and bandmate, Chester.
We were on tour when Chester left us - and when we got the news we literally had a meltdown like we have never experienced. Amir and I literally could not function. We turned into animals for a short period of time. We just couldn't BELIEVE that we could lose someone that was as close to us - and as SPECIAL - as Chester was. We both kept repeating "this can't be real, this can't be real".... But it is. And it was. And here we are now. With not just "our grief", but with an INCREDIBLE outpouring of LOVE from fans all over the world.
I want to tell you ALL:
WE CAN SEE YOU. WE LOVE YOU. WE SEE ALL THE BEAUTIFUL PICTURES YOU HAVE TAKEN AND POSTED AND TAGGED US IN - in total and beautiful solidarity and love of Chester, his family, LP, and .... US. Wow.
You guys ALL make us smile. Every kind post. Every loving smile. Every act of love and kindness.
Thank you. SO MUCH.
We are FOREVER grateful for you - the absolute BEST fans in the world. We are SO grateful that you care for our music. We are SO grateful that we had the incredible opportunity to be friends with and bandmates with Chester. We can't believe that we were able to create this beautiful body of work with this AMAZING human being. The BEST singer in the world. The best friend we could ever ask for.
THANK YOU so much for your support my friends and fans. We love you more than we can express.
We will continue to use this page and all Dead By Sunrise social sites to continue to honor Chester and the work we did together, we will keep you guys updated on what were doing and stay close, we will always look for ways to share unreleased music and more when we feel its right. Chester loved what we did together and we want to always make him proud - and we want to continue to share all of our world with you - the fans that make EVERYTHING possible.
I can tell you with certainty, and from absolute personal knowledge: Chester loved you all, and he was very grateful that you supported what we consider to be a unique and very personal piece of Chesters artistic soul.
With love,

 Preparing for Chester's memorial has been .... well, to be honest - HARD. Forcing ourselves to go through all sorts of our Dead By Sunrise and even Grey Daze material as we prepare to perform a few songs in his honor has for the most part been like pulling my own guts out. But as usual, whenever I dwell on Chester I ALWAYS find something positive - he always ends up making me laugh. This has been how almost all of our personal conversations have gone lately. We all end up laughing because he was SO FUNNY. Thank you to Jeff Varner for sharing these mini promo movies that I honestly hadn't seen in years (and maybe we only got to see bits of them here and there as we toured?) Last night as I was watching this Chester pretty much made me laugh out loud over this sink / toilet situation.. I remember it vividly and it was an amazing example of cool this guy was virtually all the time. Hopefully it will make you all smile.

 I once heard this song, 4 times in one day, in two different towns via others car stereos as a random pedestrian.


Keep the promise, SURVIVE


Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-