Saturday, July 29, 2023


 Tampa, Florida, U.S.A. death metal warriors MASSACRE have CANCELLED the bands 2023 CANADIAN TOUR DATES.




 MASSACRE have announced  (JULY) 2023 EUROPEAN TOUR DATES. 




Yes CANADA is cancelled!
It’s come to our attention that promoters are still running adds saying we are on the Canadian shows! This however is unfortunately not the truth!
We stepped off the tour months ago when promoters attempted to renegotiate our asking guarantee price… they attempted to change the deal after already agreeing to it by trying to lower the cost to fit their budget! I’ve said this before - I’ll say it again - our guarantee is based upon our talent - not your fucking budget!! So unfortunately Canada is cancelled. We know this may disappoint the fans, but bands need to start standing their ground when it comes to this type of behavior from promoters that attempt to renegotiate the terms of their agreement. Massacre will not be a band that will be forced to take a lesser fee because of the lack of commitment on the booker/promoters part of a deal. If you weren’t getting the expected “ticket sales” you thought you would achieve… here’s a little hint - why not try something called “promotion” - I mean the fucking job description is in the title of your chosen profession - “promoter” - if you want to sell something - maybe you should actually promote it!!
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-