Digital server BANDCAMP announced BANDCAMP FRIDAYS will continue into 2024 starting 2/2/2024. Digital music server BANDCAMP will wave revenue so the artist gets money from all sales.
On most first Fridays of the month since March of 2020, we’ve waived our revenue share to provide additional support to the artists and labels who form the backbone of Bandcamp’s community and without whom we would not exist. Over the course of those 36 Fridays, fans have spent more than $115 million dollars, and participation has remained consistently high, with each Bandcamp Friday generating millions of dollars of extra income for artists and labels.
We’re going to keep a good thing going in 2024, and will hold the next Bandcamp Friday on February 2nd. We’ll share plans for the rest of the year soon.
Thank you, and happy holidays!
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-