Monday, June 17, 2024

MISANTHROPIC ART: "Stand for equality, embrace art, be Antifascist. "

 MISANTHROPIC ART has posted the below statement on eradicating fascism. .








A stand for equality (one last statement)
With Misanthropic-Art I’ve been very vocal about where I stand socially and politically. For me in current times expressing oneself through art doesn’t go without being political. Being rooted in the Black Metal scene which always had NS tendencies I feel obligated to be openly antifascist, to stand for equality and freedom of expression for everyone regardless of gender, skin color, origin, or sexual orientation, and to speak up against racism/fascism and government censorship. After all, art is the best visual weapon to counter injustice.
That also means to speak up against Antisemitism, especially as a German, and especially when there’s a rise of antisemitic hate crimes in Germany. It just isn’t acceptable to stand quiet when people being attacked solely because they are jewish, particularly if you call yourself Antifascist. General speaking, I’m the first one to condemn governments and leaders for their (war) crimes, but it’s never ok to attack groups of people based on their ethnicity/origin and justify it with “whataboutism”. That’s something fascist/racists, and NSBM bands do, and I won’t give them a platform.
Call out Putin, Netanyahu, countries governments and military leaders, call out the CCP for the assimilation of the Uyghurs, the military factions in Myanmar, make aware of the armed conflicts in Africa, Asia, Central-/South America, and so forth. Stand up for equality and equal rights for everyone, go vote, and call out the fascist/racists in your own country, and if you will call out actual NS bands. These are all worthy causes. But don’t be holier-than-thou and start slandering others on social media just because they stand for all the above mentioned but you sided with one group of people and disregard the other.
Stand for equality, embrace art, be Antifascist.
Also, this will be my last statement on the topic. I wrote about social and political issues plenty. I obviously will keep the “three arrows” in my logo and the “Antichristian & Antifascist” slogan. Everyone can read previous posts if they like, but in the end this page is and should be about art. I’m aware I can’t please everyone and I frankly don’t want to. If anyone wants to twist words and call me things I’m not, go ahead. I’ll keep going, like I have been the last 21 years.
Thank you for everyone’s support!

Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-