Friday, June 28, 2024




Google has rolled out a retooled search engine that will frequently favor responses crafted by artificial intelligence over website links.May 15, 2024

Google unleashes AI in search, raising hopes for better results ...



Inaccurate Search Results: There have been numerous instances where the AI-generated search result overviews have provided false or misleading information. This not only hampers the user experience but also erodes trust in Google's search capabilities.May 28, 2024

Google AI search concerns

I looked myslef up in the GOOGLE search engines underneath my name Theresa Geteles and I found an article about a drug bust. My name was NOT, I repeat NOT in the article as I'm NOT a drug addict nor dealer. 

Some of my wingnut, uneducated, computer ILLITERATE, ghetto, moronic neighbors whom don't even know me, didn't read the article before the came to some sick conclusion as it behind a pay wall. 

No Sonia's daughter at 23 Henry Street, Kingston, New York is NOT moving into my apartment, as I'm NOT, I repeat NOT moving out. 

Hey moron retards attempting poetry pothead morons, let me read the article for you as I was able to cut and past it before it went into paywall mode. .

Keep in mind I'm not the woman in the article as my name is Theresa Geteles and I don't know the woman in the article. and I don't do drugs and straight edge crews will confront YOU.   

 The article turned up in the search engines under my name indexed with a sentence from journal entry about Willie Mays.:

I only have nice things to see about Willie Mays, and considering how irrelevant me and my journal entry are to this DAILY FREEMAN article, I think I might have been phished, doxxed or hacked.

On behalf of my blog, I have filed for copy right infringement vs. THE DAILY FREEMAN. And so the article goes under the convicts name not mine, and I filed to have the Daily Freeman article de indexed and will speak to them soon.  

If you fucking drug addicted, alcoholic idiots can't read an online newspaper SHUT THE FUCK UP!  

When I sue these idiots for defamation it will be a good day.

Daily Freeman - Woman pleads guilty to felony drug charge...

On Mother's Day in 1972, Willie Mays returned to Ne... Theresa Geteles.





KINGSTON, N.Y. — A Kingston woman pled guilty to a felony drug charge “in the middle of trial” on Tuesday, according to a statement from the Ulster County District Attorney’s Office.

Corena Kelley, 30, pled guilty to criminal possession of a controlled substance, a felony. According to the statement, Kelley pled guilty after trial had begun and a witness had already testified for the prosecution.

The statement said Kelley’s trial stemmed from the execution of a search warrant of her Kingston apartment in April of 2022, where state police found cocaine, heroin, and preparation materials for drugs, including a scale.

Kelley is already serving a prior conviction for posses



 Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal- GOOGLE SUCKS