Norwegian black metal warriors GORGOROTH have officially announced that the band WILL NOT be touring Europe in May of 2012, due to booking and promoter issues.
FROM GORGOROTH: As many of you may have noticed, there has been no official statement from Gorgoroth confirming a European tour in May 2012, despite the fact that there have been several listings for such a tour on various non-band related websites, and there have even been tickets available for some of the supposed shows.
Since January 2012 we have intended to go on a 21-24 concert May tour of the UK, Germany, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Austria, etc. And we have gone through a long process where ASP Concerts & Tourbooking (represented by Marcus Schreiber) were supposed to book this tour. It has been a nightmare process from day one, as Marcus Schreiber has shown a massive amount of both ill will and lack of ability in regards to arranging this in a professional and believable fashion.
I have waited as long as I possibly could in the hopes that this project would be possible to go through with after all, but after today it was clear to me that we have no other choice but to make a statement where we confirm that there will be no European tour in May 2012. This is of course very regrettable for the band, for the local promoters who have got involved in this mess, and for all those who wanted to see us perform in May. For this I am sorry. It was a mistake ignoring other people's warnings about working with ASP and Marcus Schreiber. Both booking companies and other bands have warned us against this. We will never again work with him, and would not recommend anyone else to do so either.
To our audience: Do NOT buy tickets for any Gorgoroth concert in May 2012. These concerts will not take place. If you have already done so, you should check with the local promoter or ticket vendor for a refund.
Infernus, 30.04.2012
The European tour with Gorgoroth is officially cancelled. Been waiting for this news for weeks actually. Sorry to everyone that planned to come support. Hopefully we will get invited back over there soon.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-