It's time for an ITP EDITORIAL, yes it is..
"The bubble headed bleach blonde comes on at 9, she tell you about the plane crash with a gleam in her eye, it's interesting when people die, gives us dirty laundry"-DON HENLEY (song about the media, "if it bleeds it leads")
"Ive been waiting for something to happen
For a week or a month or a year
With the blood in the ink of the headlines
And the sound of the crowd in my ear
You might ask what it takes to remember
When you know that youve seen it before
Where a government lies to a people
And a country is drifting to war
And theres a shadow on the faces
Of the men who send the guns
To the wars that are fought in places
Where their business interest runs
On the radio talk shows and the t.v.
You hear one thing again and again
How the u.s.a. stands for freedom
And we come to the aid of a friend
But who are the ones that we call our friends--
These governments killing their own?
Or the people who finally cant take any more
And they pick up a gun or a brick or a stone
There are lives in the balance
There are people under fire
There are children at the cannons
And there is blood on the wire"-Jackson Browne-"Lives in The Balance"
*ITP UPDATE: "Notes From the Extreme Metal Underground" and "Damned in Black" (Black Metal News) coming up reeal soon. ITP will have a new feature entitled "Humanity is Doomed" (and it really is)! Doomed Metal News..PLUS, some reviews of new SUFFOCATION, XASTHUR, and many more.
*BTW, the above picture is NOT NEDA. We at ITP, BY MY OWN CHOICE took DOWN the video (on this blog) of "Neda's" murder, MY choice, too gruesome and either way too suspect. I got depressed, emotional and distraught viewing that video of NEDA's death. We at ITP can not confirm or deny the authenticy (still on YOU TUBE) of the NEDA video death. I don't have access to to the technology to deny nor confirm if the video of NEDA's death is authentic. However, the video of NEDA's death is very graphic. I'm confused, and very freaked out. Whatever, is going on in that video depicting NEDA's murder, in whatever context, I'm horrified and annoyed.
*The American news media went apeshit this week, and printed alot of fallacies about "NEDA", so I waited, and between, anonymity for victims of the violence: the Iranian protests, we may never know what the truth is vs. various agendas. The above PIC, NOT NEDA..
*Wow, look back a bit, to the 80's. I guess I'm old enough to remember in my late 30's now. IRAN/CONTRA, OLIVER NORTH-HEARINGS, PAPER SHREDDERS via FAWN HALL. American has a dicey relationship with IRAN. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_North
*OK, IRAN's last upheaval was 1979, I was just 9. WTF with the gas/energy crisis back then, and the long lines at gas stations. I specifically remember being with my sis and family in my dads car (that motor company is bankrupt now) waiting in two hour long lines (NOT kidding) for GAS. Kinda wondering why my dad didn't get the gas FIRST, and pick up his brats later, because we were bored, the car isn't moving in the line, I had to go to the bathroom, and some vendor was selling soda. Weeeird. Jimmy Carter looked awful in the hostage crisis, and he later won a noble peace prize. I'm just sayin.FROM WIKEPEDIA: At the same time, Detroit's then-Big Three automakers (Ford, Chrysler, GM) were marketing downsized automobiles which met the CAFE fuel economy mandates passed in 1978; by the mid-1980s, a majority of rear wheel drive (RWD) family sedans and station wagons sold poorly despite government mandates from CAFE; vehicles like the Ford Fairmont and Dodge St. Regis were short-lived in response to second energy crisis. EDITORS NOTE: Chrysler is now on the verge of bankruptcy, yeh, I was sitting in a Chrysler station wagon back in 1979. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1979_energy_crisis
*However, if NEDA (in that video) was murdered, everyone is pissed, and it re- enforces our worse fears about theocracy rule, and how Iranian woman are treated. Just because an Iranian woman is dressed in Western clothing,(vs. traditional Islamic garb,dress code blatant double standard compared to men) doesn't mean she should be flogged or murdered. The protesters should be allowed free assembly.
*Iran needs REFORM in the worst way, and voting booths too. Voting via paper ballot in plastic box is vulnerable to rigging.
*Perhaps separating the people from the government is a good idea, the Iranian government needs to end the death penalty towards gays, and stop suppressing woman, with a separation between church and state.
*Theocracy VS. Democracy..Neither candidate in the 2009 Iranian election are real reformists. The Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has more power than any Iranian "figurehead" president, and that suuuuucks.
*Again separating our government from our people, not sure what or if the USA has a role in all that happened in Iran, or what the U.S.A.'s agenda is, but the U.S.A.'s dependency on Middle Eastern oil supply has far worse casualties, as alternative energy should be explored.
*Iranian woman were (and may still not be) NOT allowed to perform music publicly and have to cross borders. NEDA's story sounds interesting as she was taking music lessons.
*70% of all Iranians are under 30 (baby BOOM, and internet kids)..For those whom were hurt or killed in last weeks protests this is Irans KENT STATE. I would be protesting too. One can not ignore one million people protesting in IRAN in a week, it's not just the rigged elections, it's so many issues of suppression.
*I would assume that IRAN is on the shit list of human rights abuses, and more people want and would ask for asylum and refugee status OUT of Iran, then immigrate into Iran depending on the political climate of neighboring countries in Middle East.
*Should have know something was going down when Irans religious police started criminalizing the metal heads just before the election.. (IE CRACKDOWN ON HEAVY METAL IN THE MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL ENTRY)
*There should be a ban on all weapons of mas destruction regarding all countries including Korea and the USA. Mutually Assured Destruction isn't fun.
All of this reminds me of why I'm an atheist, wow, I made the right choice.
*Religion and politics don't mix.It's been a long month between gay marriages being banned in California (freaking Mormons) and the revolution in Iran.
*All the best to protesters in IRAN we are with you in spirit..
*Oh, yeh, in that video of ARSHAMM PARSHI, Irans president is also being booed seconds after people were laughing, in that video, the booing was edited out.
GOOD ARTICLE ON IRANIAN FEMINISM: http://www.thefrisky.com/post/246-feminism-in-iran/?obref=obnetwork
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST-\m/ -l-